Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our week in pictures

I feel like we've had a such a busy week, it would be hard to put it all into words, so this week, I'll give it to you in pictures.  That's more fun anyway, right?

To start, let's have a "woot, woot!" for Ken who finished his tri-annual inspection at work this week and passed it with flying colors!  Yay Daddy!  I know how brilliant he is, but I always enjoy it when others get to see it too.   Since the inspection is over, Daddy is getting to spend alot more time here with us.  Here's how Jake feels about that.

Claire has spent the week being a ballerina princess and dancing with her sister.
Hannah has spent hours playing outside and remains the resident gymnast. 
Gracie performed a bit of Swan Lake...or something like the backyard.
And Nathan spent most of his week just being cute.  
All was going well in the week...and then it happened.  Our good and faithful washing machine died.  I can't say that I blame it, considering the rigors that it endures washing for a family of seven.  Still, something had to be done.  Out with the old....
And in with the new!  I can't tell you how exciting it has been for us all this week (especially me, the primary doer of the laundry) to have a new high capacity washer and dryer!  We are indeed a high capacity family so this is a little bit on the necessity side of things.  However, since it's red and all... it's a little bit of a luxury too!  Like a red car is a little more fun to a red washer is a little more fun to use!  
But the very bestest part of all is that it can do this much laundry in one load!!!  Dreams really do come true!!!
And if all that wasn't enough, because it is a front loader, I now have help!  Lots of it!  Okay, so we need to work on  "sorting", but's laundry fairies in the making!

So, we had a yard sale to pass along the old dryer and various other items that we don't care to move with us.  The kids had fun selling things and it was nice to clear out some space in the garage.  After that, we.... had a party, of course!

Well, we didn't have the party, but some dear friends and neighbors all got together and had a Western Hoe Down to bid our family farewell before we move next month.    We all had a great time.  There was delicious food...
and drink...
And lots of fun!  The kids had balloons and games and even a cowboy hat pinata.  They played limbo and even put on singing and dance performances...
And they bobbed for apples.  Which is no small feat when you don't have front teeth.
I did mention it was a western party, didn't I?  We had cowgirls and boys everywhere!
We are so thankful for all of the friends we have made here.  They have made our Indiana tour one of our favorite so far.  
And at the end of the evening, once everyone came down from their sugar high, we slept.  
What a fun week.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

What GREAT pictures! Are you getting good use out of that new photo software?