Friday, June 5, 2009

in a nutshell

I'm still here and haven't forgotten about my summer book.  It's just that I'm so busy doing the things that I want to write about that I don't actually have time to write!  Also, my sweet husband got me some fantastic photo editing software for my birthday and I've been playing with that every chance I get on the computer.  So, when I do finally get around to posting again, I hope that the photos will be really cool.

In the mean time, I'll hit the highlights of the week (with pictures to follow later) so I won't be too far behind on my chronicle of summer.

Sunday:  Nathan was baptized; very special day and I did manage to post about that earlier. Yay!  Also, it was my birthday and I'm 29 for the 5th time.

Monday: 1st official day of summer break.  Ken took the kids to the YMCA pool for the first swim of the year.

Tuesday:  Had fun school time with the kids and had an afternoon playing in the sprinkler and baby pool in the backyard.

Wednesday:  School time, then made yummy wheat bread with the kids, that I'll post the recipe of later.  It rained all day, so we had a quick indoor playdate with friends.

Thursday:  Checked out a new park, took OJ and fig newtons and had a fun outdoor snack picnic.  I got to go to Wal-mart by myself once Nathan went to sleep that night...another Yay!

Friday:  Ken was the guest speaker at the USS Indianapolis Survivors Memorial service.  The kids and I went to cheer him on, then we all had lunch together outside at a downtown shoppe. (This picture is of Daddy holding Nate after the service)  Then me and my sweet hubby ate Ben 'n Jerry's together after the kids went to bed!  Now, it's bed time and I'll post more later!  With pictures!


Holly said...

Looks like great fun! I wish the weather was this warm here in NZ at the moment! :)

Jen said...

Hey Jenny!
Which photo software did you get? Just curious. I'm really getting into photography and am CLUELESS on how to use photoshop or adobe... I have to start playing but just curious as to know if you have a user friendly one!