Monday, June 8, 2009

deep thinker

As I have said before, my little Grace is my deep thinker.  She comes up with the most mind boggling questions sometimes.

A few days ago, while watching cartoons, she turned and said, "Mom, how come God is God and we're not?"  To which I astutely answered, "What?"

"You know, why is there only one God and we can't be God?"

Don't we all wrestle with that questions from time to time?  We just never phrase it quite like that.

Other times, I think she just enjoys trying to stump me.

Like today, "Mom, I bet you don't know how many people are in the entire world."   So I, needing to prove my mental prowess, said, "About 7 billion."

"Nope, I meant in Heaven too."

No, I don't know how many people have ever lived on earth, much less their spiritual condition or their eternal  dwelling.  I guess she got me.

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