Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Summer Book

Since the kids have been out of school for the summer, we have "played" school everyday.  This is good practice for me if we plan on homeschooling next year (more on that later).  And it keeps them busy and entertained while inadvertently learning.   I've found several great websites with free printables and worksheets.   This one is one we have used several times with lots of science and health worksheets for all different age ranges.  Also, this one is great for making your own math worksheets and drills, as well as online games for kids.  My kids love math time tests...who knew?  And while we're one the subject, this is a great phonics website for little ones.  

Another daily project that we are working on is their "Summer Books".  Each of the 3 older kids has their own binder with paper and every day they have a time to journal about what they did the previous day, be it somewhere special we went, what they played or any thoughts on the day, good or bad.  They get to write a short journal entry and draw a picture to go along with their entry.

As I have been encouraging them to chronicle their summer, it has inspired me to do the same only... you guessed it...on my blog!  I hope to daily (or somewhat daily) post about what we are doing each day.  Other than the fact that writing in this forum is therapeutic for me (as well as fun), I plan on keeping all these random stories, pictures and memories from this blog for my kids to read years from now.  Each year, I plan on doing something like this (although I'm not endorsing this particular site).

So, you lucky people you, will get to be privy to our daily happenings, good and bad, this summer.  And of course pictures will be included.  And, if the thought of this bores you to tears, feel free to avert your eyes or suggest other topics that you'd like to read about.    I'd love to start right now, but nap time is only so long and there are chores to be done.  Maybe tonight.  :)


Anonymous said...

You need to get hooked up with Carlene on the home school thing. She is an old pro! I don't know how she does it, but it works for her. My mom told me about Starfall so that I could get Jordan working on her phonics, and she really likes it. How long will you be in Rhode Island? My brother is stationed in VA. I don't remember the name of the base -- he has been on several.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - That anonymous was from Kelly!

Jackie said...

Yay! I look forward to keeping up with your summer activities!