Saturday, June 27, 2009

entertaining little ones

Long summer days can get even longer at our house when little ones get restless and looking for something to do.  So here's a suggestion...
Have your kids go play outside,in the sprinkler,
with whatever clothes they've picked out for the day,
preferably with pumpkins on their heads,
and ice cream on their faces.
If  that doesn't work for you, here's a list of a few fun things we're doing from time to time to keep ourselves entertained this summer, even on those really hot or rainy days.  Enjoy!

Make your own go-gurts: Mix a big tub of vanilla yogurt, a little milk and fruit of your choice in a blender.  Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.  Healthy, yummy, popsicles!

Have a library day every week.  Great way to spend a morning or afternoon.  Have a designated number of books that each kid checks out everytime. (Each big kid can get 10 at our house.)  That way you always know if you're missing a book.  We also take advantage of checking out books on CD, music and videos.

We have Crafty Fridays.  My kids love crafts, but I don't.  Instead of the daily begging to whip up a craft,  they can look forward to a good craft on Friday and I've had a week to plan and set supplies aside.

Have a baking day.  Great for rainy days or days it's just too hot to be outside.  Have the kids help (and learn) as you make up yummy treats for neighbors and friends.

Fun outdoor game.  Tape a "tail" made of a party streamer to each persons backside.  Give each kid a spray bottle of water.  The object is to spray the tail off the other players.  The last one left with a tail wins!

Let kids make a lemonade stand.  My kids love this one.  If you're really ambitious, combine it with a garage sale.  You keep the garage sale money, and they get lots of customers too!

My kiddos love to play school.  You can print endless "school work" pages off the internet or pick up cheap workbooks from Wal-mart.  Or, give them a chalkboard (even make your own with a piece of wood and chalkboard paint) and have them teach their "students" (each other or dolls and stuffed animals).

Have at least one "park day" every week.  Take an easy picnic lunch or snack and make  a whole morning of it.

Do service projects together.  Visit a local VA hospital or nursing home with cards and a smile.  Time it not around a holiday, but another time of the month when visitors aren't as frequent.

Build a backyard fort with an old blanket between 2 bushes or under a swingset.  If it's raining, use couch cushions inside.

Make your own playdough.

Make your own bubbles.

Outdoor toys like hula-hoops, jump ropes and balls are timeless and fun.

Sidewalk chalk is always fun.

Cheap pools and sprinklers for the backyard are a summertime must.

Walk near a pond or stream.  Take old bread and feed the ducks and fish.

Make birdfeeders with the kids.  In fall, use pinecones covered with peanut butter rolled in birdseed.  In the summer, cut fun shapes out of bread with cookie cutters, let bread harden and decorate with birdseed, hand with yarn.

Make summer books, nature books, all about me books... making any book of your own is fun.  Great quiet time activity that they can work on throughout the summer.

Make treasure maps (or better yet, let older kids make them for each other) and have endless pirate days of finding hidden treasure.

Backyard theatre:  have them make up plays and performances for all to enjoys.

Create little gardeners.  Have them  help you in a flower or vegetable garden.  If possible, allow them to have a "patch" that is theirs to plant and tend to.  So fun for them to see what they are accomplishing.

For special treats on rainy days, enjoy a playdate at McDonalds or (we prefer) Chic-Fil-A indoor playplace.  These are great places to meet friends and play with little ones, costs as little as a cup of coffe and maybe a treat for the kids.  We much prefer going early in the mornings (not lunchtime) when we pretty much have the place to ourselves.

Make a kitchen band.  Have everyone create their own instruments and enjoy live musical performances.

"Pay" kids a penny for every dandilion they pick from the yard (or weed of your choice, of course).

Children can help you clean out their toys and clothes for donation.  For every given number of toys they clean out to give away, maybe they can pick 1 "new" toy from Goodwill when you go to drop of the donation!

Remember fun books on tape is a great "rest" time activity to keep little minds occupied.

Daily after dinner walks with the whole family.  A fun way to enjoy a summer evening and wind everyone down for the night.

And if none of that floats your boat, you could always sweeten the pot with flowers.

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