Sunday, September 27, 2009

we went out

Last week Ken and I got to go out for the first time since we've been here!  Yay!  Our sweet friend and neighbor Nicole watched the kids while Ken and I went to a social for new students at the Admiral's home.  Granted, it was a Navy function but it was still nice to get dressed up and get out for a while.  Talking to each other and with other adults does wonders for the soul.  When we got home, the kids were having so much fun.  They were fed, smiling and dressed for bed.  Who could really ask for anything more, right?  She even snapped a family picture for us when we got home. It was a fun night for everyone....thanks, Nicole!

Friday, September 25, 2009

the manner of our faith

I don't normally quote passages from books here, but I found this one particularly convicting and timely in my own life.  How easily I excuse my "bad mood" towards my family when I'm "stressed"... but here, Gary Thomas helps us see it for what it really is.

In his book, Devotions for Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas writes of the value of the manner of our faith.  Specifically, he speaks to the harm that an "ill temper" or spirit of irritability can do in our family, reminding us that the manner of our faith is just as important as the methods of our faith.

In a quote from Henry Drummond, he writes:

"The peculiarity of an ill temper is that it is the vice of the virtuous.  It is often the one blot on an otherwise noble character.  You know men who are all but perfect, and women who would be entirely perfect, but for an easily ruffled, quick-tempered or 'touchy' disposition.  This compatibility of ill temper with high moral character is one of the strangest and saddest problems of ethics.

No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself, does more to un-Christianize society than evil temper.  For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom off childhood; in short, for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power, this influence stands alone."

Thomas goes on to write how an ill manner is often excused and not considered as serious a  failing as "other sins" but how devastating the effects can be if we leave our "surly moods" unchecked.

Thomas offers that the best cure for this condition is humility, an attitude of repentance that remembers how much we ourselves have been forgiven. "When we don't live as people in need of grace, we expect others to be perfect, and we bitterly resent it whenever the slightest imperfection puts us out."

In quoting Drummond, he goes on to say, " souls are made sweet not by taking the acid fluids out, but by putting something in ~ a great Love, a new Spirit, the Spirit of Christ.  Christ, the Spirit of Christ, interpenetrating ours, sweetens, purifies, transforms all."

It is as we worship and see ourselves as Christ sees us that we can be free to forgive as He does and model Christ for our children.  "Demonstrate the loveliness of God's disposition toward us, so they'll fall in love, not just with what God has said and done, but who He is."

Monday, September 21, 2009

growing up

Little man is growing up.  He's now drinking from a sippy cup, as well as drinking from our cups.  He's eating most of what we eat, in very small bites, of course.  He  just started scooting across the floor, so once he's got his eye on something, he goes after it.  He's also recently discovered that he has opinions.  He is 6 months old after all, but to me it just all seems to be moving way too fast!

I think, the more children we have, the more I realize how short this time with them really is. So little time to hold them, teach them, train them, love them.  With each child, it's really gotten easier to just enjoy them.  With each milestone they reach, I want to hold them that much tighter and love on them that much more.  To delight in every minute.  Because they certainly don't stay little for long.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the field trip

We had a field trip this Friday to Plymouth, MA.

We saw Plymouth Rock.

And toured the Mayflower II.

We visited Plimoth Plantation and learned about pilgrims and native people.

It was all very interesting and educational.  A fascinating part of our history to be explored.  And admittedly very cool.

However, do not be deceived by the smiling children in the pictures.  It was the roadtrip from #!@*! a very long and tiring day for the little ones and I am determined, pilgrims or no pilgrims, to never go there again 
to wait until everyone's a little older before we try it again.

That's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

many pictures... and a few words

We started started school last week, so we had to take pictures on the first day!  Here's the homeschool version of a school bus.  

Running down the hills while out on a walk.  I wish you could hear Jake squealing as he did this.

Nathan swinging at the park.

And that picture was so cute, I couldn't post just one.  So here's another.

Real conversation:  
"Claire, why are you sitting on Gracie [in the sandbox]?"
"I'm the hen and she's the egg and I'm trying to hatch her!"
I asked.

Ken and I had a "at home" date night.   Almost as good as going out and you don't need a babysitter.

Took some fun photos of the kids.


And went for a few walks.

I sure love these guys. 
Hope you had a good week too.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

homeschool... week 1

We are almost done with our first week of school.  This is my first year homeschooling and I was a little unsure (to say the least) of how it would go.  With 5 little ones at home all day, teaching preschool, 1st and 2nd grade, chasing a 3 year old and nursing a baby....I, too, had questioned the wisdom of this decision.  But, I have to say that God has blessed our week and I have been pleasantly surprised.  We have always toyed with the idea of home school, but never taken the leap until now.  The fact that we are only going to be here a year and the fact that the schools leave a bit to be desired certainly played into our decision.  But, honestly, it was more than that.  We wanted to take a year to have our children home with us.  To train and teach the way that we felt God has been leading us.  To see what that would look like in our family.

I can't say that I know at this point, considering it's only been a week.  But I can say that alot of the fear and reservations that I had before have started to subside.  I am seeing that I am capable, though only by God's grace, to teach my children.  I am loving the rewards of seeing them learn every single day.  This week we've learned spelling words and read lots of books. We've done math puzzles and learned a memory verse.  We've prayed for Iraq and Afghanistan and learned about the 7 continents of the world.  We've made bracelets and learned that an egg will float in salt water.  We've colored a viking ship, read about Leif Ericsson, and studied the history of our Pledge.  We've also played outside, visited with friends, gone on walks and worked on chores.  And all that in the past 3 days!

I know that this is painting a prettier picture of homeschooling than may be realistic for the entire year.  But I say all this to say that I have been "encouraged".  God has, in the truest since, given me courage this week.  He's guided us through this first week, and I really needed that.   I have really enjoyed my time with my children and that is about the best thing I can ask for in this adventure.  I want to be able to truly love them and disciple them through this process.  I got a small taste of that this week, and it's really given me hope.  Now, as for next week, we'll see.  But this week, God has given me courage and, by His grace, I'm looking forward to this year with my kids.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

garbage bandits

It's Tuesday, and you know what that means.  Well, maybe you don't.  But, lately around here, Tuesday means raccoons.  Tuesday night is the night before garbage day on Wednesday, and it seems to be the point in the week when the temptation of the garbage can is too much for the local raccoons to resist.  For the past 3 weeks, we've awoken on Wednesday morning to a mess of garbage strewn about the backyard.  We've guessed that we probably had a raccoon that was frequenting our backyard.  What we didn't realize is that we have 5 raccoons!  When we heard them banging around last week, we flipped on the light and coons were everywhere.  They are not, however, even the least bit afraid of us.  Ken and I were standing 15 feet from them and Ken was throwing things at them, and they just sat there and looked at us.  I personally think that's a little creepy. 

Notice how the one on top has the other one trapped inside.  "Dude, get off the lid!"

So, I just took some pictures of them and eventually they meandered off to the rest of the garbage cans in the neighborhood.  However, you won't be finding me taking garbage out by myself at night.   I've seen Old Yeller, so I know what can happen if you tie up with a coon.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the water taxi

Last night we went into the downtown area for a little poking around, and we took the kids on their first boat ride.  There is a water taxi that leaves from the end of our street and will take you across the harbor right to the heart of Newport.  This is definitely the way to go.  It was fun and easy and our whole family got a beautiful boat ride for $6 round trip!  To park in that area is $20 plus the hassle, so we're loving the water taxi!  We didn't have anything special planned; we mainly just wanted to go for the ride.  So when we got there, we found a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream shoppe.  The kids were excited to have a boat ride and ice cream.  We all enjoyed being in the heart of the city and soaking it all in.
We brought the stroller and, of course, the little man did great.  He can't have ice cream yet, but he did enjoy smiling at us while we had ours.


The boat ride back home was especially nice.  The sun was just setting and the water was beautiful.
The full moon rising over the harbor.
Right after sunset, looking towards the Newport bridge.
We're most certainly going to have to do that again sometime.  So beautiful and potentially romantic.  I see "date night" written all over this.  :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A week of firsts


It seems that milestones come all at one time in our family and this week was one of those times. Grace officially became a big girl this week by taking off the training wheels. After just a little practice, a couple of skinned knees and one scraped chin, she is now an official bike rider. She is doing great and is very proud of herself. The best part is that she can now keep up with her big sister and the older kids at the park.


Nathan got his first tooth this week.  Of course, he's been eating like a mad man for a month or so now, but now he can really do some damage.  He had his 6 month check up today and is doing well.  He's nearing 22 lbs, still a pretty hefty boy for his age.  I would have gotten a picture of the afore mentioned tooth but he wasn't in the mood.  As fun as it is that he's now getting pearly whites, I'm thinking this may speed our weaning process a bit.  Let's just say, the boy's got chompers now and he's not afraid to use them.


The other big deal this week is that Jake finally went from half potty trained to fully potty trained.  He's had it only half mastered for a while, but the "poop" issue has been holding him back.  He figured it out this week and is now very excited about the whole process.  I know, all this is a bit graphic to discuss publicly, but it really is a huge milestone in our house.  But don't worry, I didn't take a picture of that one.   You're welcome.  :)