Friday, May 17, 2013

How to have a Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day and Grace's 10th birthday.  
I love this girl.  And I am so blessed to get to be Mama to all these.

As we celebrated Graces' birthday on Sunday, I realized something. The day was about Grace, about our sweet girl coming into the double-digits.  As it should be, the day was about making her feel special.  The birthday breakfast, the gifts, the family fun and special meals.  However, this was Mother's day, as well.  My sweet kiddos gave me cards and my hubby got me flowers.  I was loved and remembered, but the day wasn't about me.  I wasn't "celebrated", and I didn't expect to be.  This day was decidedly not about me.

And you know what?

It may well have been one of my favorite Mother's Days in quite a while.  Why?  Because I wasn't focused on myself, on how I wanted to be treated.  I was free from expectations of how the day should be and focused on how I could best love my daughter.  As a matter of fact, everyone in the house was pretty much focused on how they could make the day special for someone other than themselves.

We spent a great day as a family.  It wasn't a perfect day.  It never is.  And I didn't expect it to be.  But it was a day that we spent loving on one another, dying to ourselves (for the most part) and putting one another first.  And it turned out to be a lovely day.

Go figure.