Sunday, June 21, 2009

house rules

Well, I'm still, for all practical purposes, immobile.  I have no idea what I've done to my neck and back, but I think I shall be visiting the doctor tomorrow to find out.  Today, I've spent almost the entire day in the bed.  Now that I am  utterly and completely bored with that, I have creeped over to the computer.   Ken is still doing full time dad duty today, popping in occasionally to check on me or bring me the baby to nurse.  He's a good one, let me tell ya.

I know how busy it can be taking care of our little ones.  I wouldn't trade them for the world, but things can get crazy from time to time.  Especially with our firstborn son.  I don't know if it's just his age or the fact that we're newbies to raising boys or maybe a combination.  But, he has an amazing propensity for getting into things...lots of things.   It's not really that he's overtly disobedient.  It's more that he tends to occupy himself with things that I've never thought to set off limits.

For example, when I came down stairs earlier this week after putting Nathan to bed, I was greeted with this....


And on closer examination, I find this...


So now I know.  I do need to say, "Don't play with your trucks in the Ovaltine."  I just never thought to say it before.  I never knew it was necessary.  Come to find out, with a 3 year old, it is necessary.  Very much so.

I suppose I should probably also discuss the importance of not climbing inside the fridge...


  Some things just can't be left unsaid.


Jennifer said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. And I'm with you...I never would have to thought to put rules on playing with trucks in the Ovaltine! Hilarious! Hey, quick question, what photo software do you have??

Jennifer Werneth said...

oh my! you can't get frustrated with such a cute face staring back at you from the fridge! the ovaltine is great for the dumptruck; what an inventive little fella! i'm always having to come up with new rules for leah, too, because she "occupies" herself when i'm not paying attention. hope your neck and back are better soon!

Jackie said...

Regarding your neck and back...I hope you're feeling better soon. Regarding your husband...WOW, what a guy! Regarding your smart little boy...
hahahahaheeheeheeheehohohohohohoo. He is adorable.

Donna said...

Hope you are back on your feet soon. P.S. you should be a photographer- you take amazing pictures! Glad you are having a fun summer.