Friday, January 29, 2010


Yes, that was the handprint of sweet Grace on my last post.  I so love finding little notes and drawings from her.  She loves making gifts and surprises and it melts my heart.  

She also is a thinker.  She says the funniest things sometimes.  Here's a couple of Gracie-isms from this week.

**As she was eating grits for dinner,  "Mom how do you think people that use chopsticks eat their grits?"    

How many regular chopstick users do you think have ever eaten grits?

**As she was working on her schoolwork, she had to write a word that rhymes with "sing".  (I'm thinking....king?  ring?) Nope.  "I know!  Bling!!!  Like, this necklace is a nice piece of bling!!"  

I my defense, I think she learned that one from "Snow Buddies".

**  And one more. 
G:  "Mom, can I have a big, BIG sheet of paper?"
Me:  " How big?"    
G:  "As big as your stomach!" 

No comment.

And speaking of fun little girls.... we're about to have a house full of them.  We're having a sleepover tonight with 7 giggly girls.  All night long.  Bless us every one.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It starts early

These past couple of weeks the great freeze has begun to thaw a bit. I know it won't last (it's supposed to snow this weekend, I think), but it has re-energized me a bit.  It was so warm, in fact, that most of the snow melted.  The girls took the opportunity to have a nice little picnic and enjoy the beautiful 40 degree day.

This was obviously a girls only picnic.  Although I'm sure the boys would have been allowed to attend had they so wanted, Jacob decided that he would rather just provide entertainment instead.

Before I realized what had happened, our sweet 3 year old had stripped off his shirt and ran to the window.  He got the girls attention, then began making funny faces and dancing around.  Then, once he was sure he had their undivided attention, he began doing tricks, running into the window and throwing himself on the ground.  It looked nothing like my sweet little boy, but rather like some bizarre mating ritual that you might see on the Discovery Channel.

Of course the girls giggled (and his sisters rolled their eyes), which obviously just encouraged him.  So on went the performance.  I really didn't know it would start this early.   But he is a little man after all.   I'm sure that's not the last silly thing he'll do in his life just to get the attention of a girl.

Of course, I led him away from the window and put his shirt back on with a few well-timed words about modesty.  And hugged my sweet little boy.  And laughed.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thoughts on Roe v. Wade

This week was the anniversary of the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in our country.  It is unimaginable to me the number of innocent lives taken since then and the number that will be taken still.  While of course I am thinking of the babies that were never born, today I am also thinking of the other victims to these abortions.  The women and men who are now living with scars of a choice they made or a choice that was made for them.  Maybe this person is you.

I think in our zeal to defend the lives of the unborn, we as Christians have sometimes failed to  show compassion to those who are wounded and living lives full of regret.  I know more people than I might have once imagined who have suffered through the loss and heartache that come with abortion.  I have seen them wrestle with the decisions they have made and struggle to come to a place of healing.  They really are the walking wounded in many ways and are more in need of grace, forgiveness and love than many of us can imagine.  And though you may not know it, you know these people too.  It's not something they advertise and certainly not something they are proud of, but it is a part of who they are.  They do not need our judgement but our understanding.  Not hatred but healing.  

Obviously, most of us would never intentionally be judgmental or critical of another's choices, but yet we, through our actions and careless words, lead them to believe that we might view them with the same disdain with which we view abortion.  Although I do hate the act and the choice, I could never judge those who have been in such a hopeless place that they have felt this decision was the only one they could make.  Many of these are our brothers and sisters in Christ, our fellow church members, our neighbors, our friends, our husbands or wives.   And we are called to love them as such.  

So, as I remember all of these people this week, I pray for them, for their hearts.  For the families they may have now and for the families that they may wish they had.  I pray for an understanding of the fullness of God's mercies and grace that extends even to them.  Especially to them.  That if they are hurting, that they may hurt no longer, but walk anew today in God's forgiveness.   And if they are not hurting, I pray that their hearts will be softened to the grace that the Father is extending to them.

And may we also pray fervently for God to take the blinders off of His people.  That we may love and fight for the lives that He has created, be they unborn or elderly or anywhere in between.  God's heart is for His people and I pray that ours would be too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bumpa and Grandma

As I mentioned before, I am way behind in posting.  So, for the memories sake, indulge me for a bit while I play catch up with some photos.  

Just before Christmas, Ken's folks came out for the weekend and we all got to enjoy some quality grandparent time.  The kids so enjoyed visiting with them, as did we.  And we even got to sneak in a "date" to the Christmas Ball.  Well, we actually didn't sneak it in.  It was one of the reasons they came out when they did... so we would be able to go and leave the kids with them.  As Ken said, when it comes to babysitting, sometimes you have to fly in the professionals.

Anyway, everyone got some fun play time with Bumpa and Grandma.

There was lots of holding and snuggles.

And, of course, Grandma made Christmas cookies with the kids.  Because that's what Grandma's do, right?

And the kids loved it.  Because that's what kids do.

They got to go on a couple of walks together when the weather wasn't too cold.

And when it was they just cuddled up on the couch and read Christmas books that Grandma and Bumpa brought just for the occasion.

It's always a little crowded here in our cozy place, but it worked out fine.  And the kids loved getting to deflate the guest room every morning.

We're always thankful when we get to spend time with our family.  That they are always willing to make treks across the country to visit us and to love on our kids and pile into our tiny houses.  They are just cool that way.  So the visit was fun and we're glad our kids get to spend a few days, every chance we get, seeing where they came from.

And I see where this one came from.  Anyone else see any family resemblance here?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Claire Bear

I like photography.  No, that would be understating it a bit.  I crazy like photography.  I especially like taking pictures of my kids.  And other people's kids.  And pretty much everything else.  Especially kids.  

If you've read my blog at all, this comes as no surprise to you at all.  What you may not know is that my sweet husband also crazy likes photography.  He loves taking unique shots and is great at capturing the everyday beauty in things.   I love that we get to share this, and I hope that one day we'll get to spend lots more time together taking shots of beautiful things.

Since I'm always sharing my photos, here's a couple of shots he took the other day of one of the beautiful things that lives in our house.   She was heading out the door to play.  And now, next winter when she's a big 6 year old, we can remember exactly what she looked like this winter in her stripy hat with tassels. 




These are the beautiful things we don't want to forget!  I love you, Claire Bear!

Monday, January 18, 2010

quality entertainment

Do you ever let your kids do things that will actually cause you more work in the long run, simply because it brings you a few moments of quiet right now?


Don't worry.  I took out the knives first.  And then I enjoyed about 5 minutes of relative quiet... hearing nothing but the clinking of silverware on the floor.

He was happy.  I was happy.  Win.  Win.

a night away

This weekend, Ken and I got to get away for our first overnight date in over 3 years!  I can't even tell you how much we really needed this and what a wonderful and unexpected blessing it was.  It' s long story, but for a variety of reasons, our good friend and neighbor, Nicole,  had a non-refundable hotel reservation here in town that they were unable to use.  So they ever so graciously offered it to us... and here's the kicker, offered to stay with our kids as well!

I wasn't entirely certain that our kids were ready to be without us for the night since we've never left them with anyone other than family for that long.  But if I would trust anyone to take care of them and keep them throughly entertained, it would be my friend Nicole.  She makes Mary Poppins look boring.  Really.

So off we went!  See, we even took a picture of ourselves as we were walking around downtown.

We enjoyed downtown a bit, ate at a great seafood restaurant on the water then checked into a wonderful room on a nearby little island.  We got to sleep in and even go out to breakfast before heading home.  It was so refreshing and very relaxing.  I admit, I did stress a little too much about how the kids were doing at home.  But it turned out that it was all for nothing.  They did great and had a blast.

We came back to happy kids and we are feeling much more energized and ready to tackle another week.  I am so thankful for these unexpected blessings that God uses to fill us up when we need it most.

Funny story.  When I first told the kids that we would be gone until the next morning, Hannah's first question?    "But won't you be tired?"  

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ramblings of a good day

Today has been a good day. No particular reason it was a good day. It just was. And that is so nice. The kids enjoyed each other today. There was lots of laughing and playing. School went smoothly this morning and we got done in a reasonable amount of time. Ken finished a paper last night and got that monkey off his back. Nathan was happy and took a couple of long naps. The temp got up to a balmy 35 degrees outside and I could almost hear the palm trees swaying in the breeze. I got to visit with a few neighbors, play in the snow with Jake and help him ride his bike on a little stretch of sidewalk where the ice had melted. We made cookies, read books and built forts.  Ken got out of class about 10 minutes early and offered to pick up burritos for dinner on his way home. Everyone loved dinner and gobbled it down with no whining. Nathan helped me unload the dishwasher and garbage while Ken and the older kids played Hulabaloo. The 3 girls took a bath together, albeit a very loud bath, but the noises were happy ones. And now, I'm sitting down and enjoying the quietness while Ken is reading a chapter of Pippi Longstocking to the kids upstairs. In a few minutes, we're hoping to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie, a rare treat, in celebration of his 4 day weekend. A good day, don't you agree? A hilltop day for me, given out of God's goodness.

It seems I have been so introspective lately. So many heavy things. Decisions to make. Issues with kids. And the situation in Haiti that is absolutely heartbreaking has weighed so heavily on my mind. So much I can't understand. But I am reminded, when I step back, that God is still good. He is good when He gives me a day like today. He is also good in Haiti right now. My feeble mind can't understand it. But it is true. His character doesn't change with our circumstances. I pray that as we are reminded of His goodness on these hilltops, we may be strengthened in the valleys. I have told my children over the past few days that God loves the people of Haiti. He created them just as He created us. He will be faithful to His people there and only He knows what He will bring from this. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who gives and takes away.

As I am reminded of God's goodness to me and yet see the needs of so many all over the world, I am conflicted. It doesn't seem to make sense always. But I know and am seeing more and more clearly that I have been blessed to be a blessing. God has given me so much, and because of that, I know that so much is expected of me.

I took this picture back when we were out cutting down our Christmas tree because it reminds me of this verse.  A verse that can spur us on to good deeds because we have been given so much.


"And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."   Luke 10:2

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He knows

Right now, we are very much in the thick of raising five young children.  There are some weeks where everything goes smoothly.  Smiles come easily and laughter abounds.  These are the weeks in which it is so easy to be grateful for all we have been given, for the blessings that have been heaped upon us.

And then there are those other weeks.  Those weeks, much like this one has been, when everything seems to be a battle.  When joy is something to be fought for and is seldom won.  The weeks when it is a little easier to have a pity party than to be thankful.  And that grateful attitude seems far out of reach.

Sometimes in the midst of those harder weeks, I sometimes question God's plan for me.  I know I shouldn't.  I know He is all wise, and I am not.  But sometimes I wonder if I am up to the task to which He has called me.  Five, Lord?  Really?  How is there possibly enough of me for all of them?  

I love my children oh so much.  But sometimes I question if I am able.  Can I really provide for these children?  All the love and hugs and attention?  All the discipline and teaching and correction?  And lets not forget all the nose blowing, bottom wiping and shoe tying.  Am I able Lord to provide this and so much more to all of these children?  And what about other children you choose to give us in the future?  Am I really able?

And then I realize.  The answer is a resounding "no".  I am not able.  I will never be.  And if I was, I would never be forced to rely of the strength of my Father to do all that I cannot.  

It is through each of these children that God has forced me into a more humble reliance on Him.  He is building my character at every turn and teaching me to follow Him.  What He has asked of me is obedience to Him.  To give my family to Him.  To acknowledge Him and His Lordship, and He will make my path straight.  

I know that He has a plan, not only for my good, but for the good of my children, that is far beyond anything I could ask or imagine for them.  He will be glorified.  He just asks me to follow Him.  He will do the rest.

Every one of my children offers something so sweet to our family.  God knew that we needed each of them to make our family exactly what is was supposed to be.   Hannah is the rule follower and responsible.  Gracie is the giver and the artsy one.  Claire is sweet and eager to please.  Jacob is a comedian and has a gentle heart.

And here is Nathan.  He's the 5th one we're raising right now.
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He's standing up with no hands now.  And he can say Mommy and Daddy and uh-oh.  He loves to eat and to make a mess and to be chased by his sisters and brother.
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This is what God gave me, at a time I thought my plate was full.  During a time I wanted to be able to rely on what the world said was doable, God was gracious and gave me more than I could have even asked for and a child I didn't know I needed.  One look at this sweet dimpled face and I am reminded of God's goodness.  He knows what I need before I even ask.
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So, I am thankful even in the hard fought weeks.  For a Father who loves me, who loves my children and is more committed to His children and His glory than I will ever understand.

Monday, January 11, 2010

thought for today

I'm a big, fat sinner.... raising 5 little sinners.

What could possibly go wrong?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

photo rewind

Over the holidays, I got a bit behind in my posting... as you can see from the pictures.

Obviously these pictures can't be too recent because, as you can see, the grass was green.  And who knows, maybe it is still green.  But seeing as how it has been buried under snow for a few weeks now, it's hard to tell.

However, a few weeks back we did have a slight warm up and most of the snow melted.  For a few glorious days we had warmer temps and green grass.  And puddles.  Lots and lots of puddles.


For a 3 year old boy, this is just too much to resist.  So we just pulled on the snowboots and off he went.

There was lots and lots of splashing.  And jumping.  And playing.

And smiling.  So much smiling.  There's just something about watching a boy and a puddle.

Of course while we were out enjoying the melty-ness of it all, the other kids came out and enjoyed some playtime too.  They played at the park and ran around sans snow pants. This is Gracie taking a rare chance to practice on her new rollerblades.

And of course little man joined us too.  He's been inside all winter with these frigid temps, so he was like a bird out of a cage.  He loved the little break from winter, as we all did.   It's the little things that keep you going, right?

Here's hoping for another thaw.  Soon.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rammer Jammer, baby!

Hey Texas....  Hey Texas....

Being far from the South didn't stop us  last night from cheering our Crimson Tide on to victory.  A well played game on both sides.  But the Tide rolled.

National Champs, baby.


How sweet it is!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Claire Bear!

As is custom at our house, days like this start with pink pancakes.  Today one of them was in the shape of the letter "C".

Because today the birthday girl was sweet Claire.  She's 5 years old now, and we've celebrated all day.   We started with our traditional birthday breakfast.  Complete with sausage, specifically requested by the birthday girl.  And we had lots of balloons and pink.  And of course there were presents.  And all this was before 7 am.


We celebrated all morning.  And then the real party began.

This afternoon we had friends over for a Princess Tea.  All the girls were dressed in their princess finest.  And the boys were knights, of course.  We had tea and cake and fancy little tea party food.  All of this is so Claire.  And she was beaming.

We ate chocolate things and held out our pinkies while we sipped raspberry tea.

Our friend Mrs. Nicole talked in an English accent and everyone giggled.  We nibbled and were proper.  But mostly giggly. 

And then we made princess picture frames.  Except for the knights and princes, who all made very manly frames with football stickers on them.

All of my little princesses had a good time.

And of course there were presents.  Lovely ponies and little dolls and clothes for dolls and games.  So much fun.  Claire just loves surprises.  If she thought anyone was talking about what she might get for her birthday, she would run from the room with her ears covered.  She loves the anticipation of it all.  

She loves all things pretty.

So with so many pretty things to play with, what else was left to do, but play?  So play we did.  And played and played.  And it was fun.

And here are all the merry party-goers.  I mean, the royal court after the Princess' Tea.  (Except Sir Nathan who slept through most of the party but thoroughly enjoyed the cake when he did finally wake up.)   It was a fun, fun day.

Happy Birthday, Claire!  You really are such a joy to us everyday.  We love your sweet smile and your girly ways.  You are growing up so fast, but you will always be our special Claire Bear!  

Saturday, January 2, 2010

looking back


As we go into a new year and a whole new decade, I have to look back just a little and remember the highs and the lows.  It's been a good year and, really, the best decade of my life.   Admittedly, there have only been a little over 3 decades in my life.  But this one has been the best one so far.  And here's hoping it only gets better from here.  :)

For memories' sake, here's a timeline of the highlights of the past decade at our house.

2000:  He and me became we.  Ken and I got married in April of 2000,  and I haven't regretted a moment of it since.  I quit my job as a social worker and moved to Pensacola where Ken was a flight instructor.  Married life was great.  And it was just us 2.  In December of the same year, we found out we would be expecting our first baby.  We were now going to be a family of three 3. 

2001:  Spent the first part of the year preparing to be parents and picking out baby names.  Found out we would be moving to California shortly after baby.  In August, Hannah was born.  Rocked our world.  Loved her dearly.  Still do.

2002:  Moved to CA in February and entered a time of refining.  Stressful job, far from family, new baby.  But God was there.  Made us closer to Him and to each other.  In June, moved on base and made lifelong friends.  In August, found out we were expecting again.  We 3 would soon be a family of 4.

2003:  Moved into a different base house the day before my due date.  Ken's job eased up a bit.  Loved our neighborhood.  In May, Gracie was born.  Beautiful, tiny, hispanic-looking baby.  So sweet and quiet.  Still so sweet.  Transitioned to VT community and found out we would move to FL.

2004:  Getting ready for our next move.  Found out we were expecting baby #3.  Our 4 would soon be five.  Moved to FL with 2 babies and one on the way.  Endured Hurricane Ivan.  Hosted OCF Bible Studies at our house.  Made lots of base friends.

2005:  Early January, started the year by having another little girl.  Sweet Claire.  Slept in our closet for the first part of her life.  Found out Ken got OIC, prepared for another move.  And found out were were expecting again. (We really should expect this by now).  Our family of 5 would soon become 6.  In December, had an ultrasound.  Ended the year learning that we would soon add a son to our brood.

2006:  Moved again.  New job.  In May, welcomed Jacob.  Huge baby, rough start.  After a week in the NICU, he was as good as new.  Loved having a baby boy.  Still do.  Girls doted over their brother.  Still do.  Found out we would be moving to Indiana.

2007:  Moved to Indiana.  Ken was CO at a NOSC there. Loved being close to family.  First snows and bought a house together.  In October, found out were expecting again.  Our family of 6 was about to be 7.  Listened to his little heartbeat and made plans for this little one.  But God had different plans.  Just before Christmas, we found out he had been born into Heaven rather than into our arms.  We named him Jordan, because he crossed into the Promised Land before us.  Can't wait to hold him one day.  

2008:  Buried Jordan in January with Ken's grandparents in Illinois.  Continued our life in Indiana.  Knew that God wasn't done with our family yet.  In May, found out we were expecting again.  Our family of 6 here with us would soon become with one in Heaven.  Enjoyed my pregnancy to the fullest.  Couldn't wait.

2009:  Found out we would be moving to Rhode Island.  In February, welcomed sweet Nathan.  Loved him and counted him as a blessing in a whole new way.  Moved to Rhode Island in the summer.  Began our homeschooling adventure.  Loved having Daddy home more.  Looking forward to what the next year has in store.

6 babies and 8 addresses in the last 10 years.  It's been a busy decade.  God has had His hand on us every minute.  And I'm thankful for His faithfulness. 

Let the new year begin.