Friday, June 26, 2009

family ties

We're getting back into the  swing of things this week here at the McNeill house after a short but fun visit to Ken's sister's house.  We were supposed to go early in the week, but I somehow injured my back and was basically bed bound (which was not all bad, I might add) for the first part of the week.  My better half took on all the household and kid duties for the week and did a great job.  However, I must say that he now has a new found appreciation for managing the daily happenings here at the zoo.

While we were visiting family, the kids got to play with their cousins and see aunts and uncles that they don't see that often.  Between our family and Ken's 2 sibilings' kids, there are a total of 13 children.  A few days there made our house seem almost quiet...almost.  The kids ran and played and stayed up late and enjoyed their cousins the same way that I remember doing as a kid. For all the fun and adventures our kids get to experience as military brats, those family connections are the one thing I miss most for them.  Of course we see family when we can and the grandparents, aunt and uncles are all great at loving on our kids from afar.  But there is something special about having a Grandmama up the road and cousins to play with after school.  Knowing and being known like that, in irreplaceable. Families give us a sense of belonging, of who we are and where we came from.  There is a security in knowing there are so many people within arms reach that love you unconditionally.  I still long for that closeness and security, but know that truly my help comes from the Lord.

I know that God created our family the way He intended and has placed us where we need to be.  Even though there are things that we miss, I know that He is withholding no good thing from my children.  As we move from place to place, separated from those we love, I know that we are not lacking.  I know that my Father an be trusted to mold my children just as they should be through these circumstances....and certainly mold my heart as well.
Although my children will not grow up with family down the road like I did, I hope that we can always make the most of every visit, every phone call, even every Skype call in this computer age.  They are blessed beyond measure to have so many grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins that love matter where we all live.  We do miss our families, and even more so, miss them for our kids.  But we trust and know that God has provided all we need through His abundant riches. We had a fun visit with family and we're looking forward to another fun visit next weekend.  So...of are a few photos what are sure to be some fun memories. And we can take memories to every duty station!

Like, wagon rides with the cousins behind the tractor.

The babes.  Here's our youngest with Ken's brother's youngest and his sister's youngest.  
So sweet.

Of course the pool was a big splash..hehe.  Here's Jake getting in on the big kid action.

Beautiful sunsets over Illinois corn fields.
Really, when you're 7....does it get any better than this?


Rachel said...

I love your pictures! I actually had that verse put on my daughters Dedication cake and invitations.

Jennifer said...

I understand your sadness for not being near family. My heart has ached more than ever for being closer to family since we had Isabelle. I appreciate your remider that indeed the Lord is not withholding any good thing from us or our children despite being so far from family.