Monday, June 28, 2010

getting settled

I really like to wait to blog until I have pictures. Because a post without pictures is like a day without... well, it's just better with pictures. However, posting photos right now would require a whole new level of togetherness that I just do not have right now. We're getting there, but I"m just not there yet.

The house is coming along. We've finally made it through all the boxes and we're just getting down to the details now. We can find most things, but they're definitely not yet in their proper places. Ken started to work the day after our household goods arrived, so our time together to unpack has been limited. I have many small children milling about all day here, so my time to unpack alone has been limited as well.

One of my favorite features about our new place right now is that I have a dedicated school room. Last year, trying to homeschool in the living/dining/school/all-purpose room was a challenge. It's nice to have space to spread out with our projects.

Something that has surprised me about being here is how much everyone in the neighborhood seems to keep to themselves. We're coming from base housing where everyone rushes to meet and greet the new people moving in. Not so here. In 2 weeks we've only met 2 neighbors, both on our own initiative. I wasn't really expecting a welcome wagon, but a howdy-doo would be nice. This afternoon the kids and I will be making cookies and taking them to neighbors we haven't met yet. We're going to get to know a few people. Whether they like it or not.

There is a ton of things to do here. And also many, many people to do them. I'm hopeful to start exploring this week and see a few sights with the kiddos. I think a few fun outings would be a real morale booster for our box weary family.

We tried a new church today. It was nice. Very traditional and liturgical, both of which I liked. I'm looking forward to settling in with a church family here, so we can make some real connections with like-minded friends. The church also has a Classical school that follows a homeschool model. The kids are technically registered as homeschoolers, but attend classical classes from 8:30 to 12:30 every day, followed up with parental instruction at home. It sounds wonderful to a tired mommy, and I could see so many advantages to such a school. My heart has been toward homeschooling for a while, so this would be a change of plans if we entertained the idea of this school. What to do. At this point, choices just muddy the waters of my heart. Still, it's something to consider.

I'm enjoying the still, quiet moments of early morning here right now, before the pitter-patters of little feet begin to grow into a deafening roar. I got to rock my littlest guy back to sleep this morning for about 20 minutes. And I loved it. I really want to treasure these days. I know they are passing all to quickly. I can't believe my oldest in about to be 9 and my youngest is running around the house like a madman. Even in the craziness, I don't want to wish these days away. I know I will miss them. These move-all-the-time-constant-transition-crazy-busy days. It is only a season... to learn from, to grow in, to follow my God thru... and to enjoy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day started today with my meager attempt at breakfast for my husband. Waffles and sausage were okay, but syrup would have been nice. We used jelly instead. It was okay, but missing a little something. We didn't try out a new church today, because we can't find anything clean to wear. I know, it doesn't matter what you wear. Blah, blah,, blah. Anyway, most of today has been spent digging out from under our mountains of cardboard and mayham.

Still, in the midst of it all... Ken has managed to be sweet and caring and loving and keep the good attitude that I seem to be lacking right now. He's doing all he can to help us put the house together, yet taking time to play Clue with the kids and set up the sprinkler in the backyard. He's spent his day taking care of me and the kids, just as he does everyday.


And I am thankful for him today, just as I am everyday. I am amazed that somehow God gave me a man like this to share my life with. He is a wonderful husband and father, a man of great character, a protector and provider... and today, a bug killer, baby rocker, a box lifter, and assembler of all things.


I love you, honey and appreciate all you do everyday for our family. You're my hero.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're here....

We're here. After a couple of long days of driving, late nights of moving and cleaning, we made it to Virginia. So far the only casualty of the move seems to be that the right shift key on my computer isn't working, so excuse the typos. 

We really like our house, which is good considering we rented it sight unseen. It has abundant room for all of our small children and that seems to make everyone really happy. I don't think I realized just how cramped we were in our old house until now. Bigger isn't always better, but having enough space to move around certainly is nice.

The trip went well, all things considered. The kids did amazingly well in the car for 2 days and with the exception of one child throwing up at the hotel, everyone stayed healthy. Our movers got here yesterday and delivered our household goods, so I'm sitting in a canyon of boxes. Today the unpacking process will begin.

My first impressions of Virginia:

It is definitely the South. It feels like the South.  Actually, for the past couple of days it's felt a bit more like the surface of the sun. Guess it's time to put away our sweatshirts.

There are alot of people here. Traffic is crazy and every major road (not interstate) is at least 8 lanes across. If you're familiar with Mobile, think rush hour on  Airport Blvd. every time you go somewhere.

There doesn't seem to be alot of children in our neighborhood. I'm sure that there probably are some, it's just been too hot for anyone to be outside. I do see a 15 passenger van at a house down the street and that gives me hope. Big vans make me think of big families and that makes me happy.

As we were walking to the neighborhood park yesterday, Hannah commented that we don't "look like we're from Virginia".  She said that we "look like" we're from Rhode Island.  I'm hoping that soon  everyone will feel less conspicuous and feel like we belong here.

I'm looking forward to Sunday and praying that we can find a great church to plug into.  That always makes a place feel more like home.

I've already taken a few pictures but am in way too much of a state of chaos to download yet, so I'll have to share those later.  Thanks to all who are praying for our transition here.

Now, back to the boxes....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

we're outta here

Well, we've finally made it to move day. The movers are coming bright and early in the morning to pack the house then load it on Friday then we're outta here. I am tired. So tired that my brain isn't really working right now. But I need to empty my head before I can get a couple hours of sleep, so - in no particular order- here are my thoughts tonight.

I enjoyed reading the captions for the last pictures. I'll have to give the cookie to Cheryl for "Flying Lessons", since Ken's a pilot and all. But they were all fun... especially those that referred to poop. Ken said that if more of the commenters were men that there would have been more of those. He's probably right.

We've been cleaning all week, getting ready for the pack out and the move-out inspection. I think whoever invented the Mr. Clean Erase sponges should get some kind of lifetime achievement award. Really.

I haven't blogged much lately because I just don't have time. The kids have been going to bed later and by the end of the night, I just have no more time and even less energy. I missed blogging about Jake's birthday. He just turned 4. Such a big boy and so sweet. We went bowling. I'm going to blog about it soon and post date it to make it look like I did it on time... just so I don't feel guilty when I read it years from now. I sure love that little boy.


Ken also had a birthday. He's my favorite 41 year old in the whole world. He's just really awesome and helpful and sweet. I love him so much. I could think of lots of words to describe out marriage right now. Lots of the words would be fun or sexy words. And they would be true. But the number one word that comes to mind right now is teamwork. We are a team. In the middle of our ump-teenth PCS, I am especially thankful that I have a good teammate. We're doing this together. I'm chasing babies and cooking. He's cleaning the kitchen and packing boxes. I get the paperwork done, he cleans out from under the fridge. I pack the suitcases, he gets the car serviced. And he never, ever complains. That's my job.


We also went on a trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire a couple of weekends ago. It was a fun trip with lots of hiking and family time. We went to the top of Mt. Washington and saw lots of waterfalls and made smores...not all at the same time. Lots of pictures. Later.


I went to Headland and visited my family. All by myself. It was fun and good to see all my family that I haven't seen in over a year. I relaxed a good bit and got to have long conversations which is a rarity for me. I took lots of pictures and noticed things that I'd never noticed before. Every man in Wal-mart over the age of 12 wears a baseball cap. And most of them drive pick-up trucks. And Wal-mart in the South is really nice. All of these things I would have never noticed before. I think I've been gone long enough to see things the way that people who aren't from there see them. But I've lived there, so I can appreciate them for what they are.

And Nathan has another double ear infection. Seems to be time for tubes. Bummer. But if it will make him feel better, so be it. He's such a joy, and I have never seen a child with so much energy and determination. He's great 5th child. Just happy to be with us and doing what everyone else it doing.


I think I've procrastinated long enough now. Movers will be here in a few hours and whatever I don't have in a suitcase will go in a box and we won't see it until we get to Virginia. Strange thing to have people packing your house like that. I wouldn't show my own mother what's in my lingerie drawer, but Bart the moving guy will find out tomorrow.

On that comforting note, I think I'll throw a few things toward the suitcase and go to bed. We'll lose our computer tomorrow, so I'll be signing on again next week from the sunny South. Please pray that all goes well, safe travels for our family, patience and rest for all of us, friends when we get there and peaceful transition. I'm feeling thankful right now that God has gone before us. Looking forward to being at home in a new home. As they say, home is where the Navy sends you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

name that photo

Obviously, I've been too busy to blog.  But we are still having fun here.'s a fun little contest for anyone who happens to still read this blog.  Leave a comment with a fun name for this picture.  


The winner gets....

the satisfaction of being the winner!!!

And besides, comments make me feel loved.  :)