Wednesday, December 30, 2009

why ask why?

Remember the commercials back several years ago that asked, "Why ask why?"  I think it was a beer commercial or something.  I can't really remember.  Anyway, that question has been coming to my mind often lately, and it has to do with the design of our sweet little home here in the land of base housing.

Here's the thing.  Our bathrooms have no heat.  The rest of the house has radiator like things that span the baseboards, and unsightly though they may be, they do a pretty good job of keeping the house warm.  However, when these were being installed, it seems, someone decided that the bathrooms really didn't need heat.

Now, I may be overstating that a bit, because technically our 2 upstairs bathrooms do have what I would call a heat lamp.  It's an overhead light that warms the room up rather nicely, while you're in the shower, for instance.  However, it's a bright light with a loud fan that doesn't get left on at night.   So, of course, it gets downright freezing in there.  Let's just say that first thing in the morning, that toilet seat can make you wish that you were the luckier gender who can stand to pee.

Right now, it is 14 degrees outside with a wind chill of -1.  I am very thankful for heat of any kind and am not complaining about such a trivial thing.  But it really does make me wonder why.  Does it save that much money to skip the bathroom when installing heat vents?  Does the cold water in the pipes make it counter productive to try to heat those rooms?  Wouldn't the room where you are most likely to be naked and wet be the room that most needs heat?  Or is it a master plan to cut down on showers, thus water consumption?

These are the questions that keep me awake at night.  But why ask why?  There are some things the world may never know.

Monday, December 28, 2009


This week I have assisted with approximately....

73 snowpant zippers...

146 mittens...

53 pairs of wet boots....

48 winter coats...

the tying of 52 scarves...

and the drying 40 or more hats.


Christmas 2009

Christmas this year.  Oh, where to I begin?  Let's start at the very beginning.  Julie Andrews says, "that's a very good place to start."  

Our celebration this year, as I've already mentioned, started with the beginning of Advent.  We decorated our Jesse Tree and remembered God's promises to His people and His plan to save the world through Christ.  So, after much waiting and anticipation, we got to light the last candle of Advent and hang the last ornament on our tree.

We started our Christmas Eve celebration at church.  The kids so enjoyed singing the Christmas carols.  At the end of the service, instead of traditional candles, everyone circled the sanctuary and held battery operated lights that looked kinda like candles.  It would have been okay except the kids were all waving theirs around like sparklers on the 4th of July.   Then it was a bit like singing Silent Night with strobe lights.  

After we got home from church, we had some great friends over for our Christmas Eve meal.  The kids had a fun time playing with their friends and everyone got to open one gift.  They could hardly contain their excitement.  We baked cookies before bed and the kids wrote letters to "Santa".
We've never played up the Santa part of Christmas.  We've always answered the kids questions truthfully.  They know who Saint Nicholas really was and where Christmas morning gifts come from.  However, on Christmas Eve, I guess they feel it's better to cover all your bases.  Just in case. 
Christmas morning started early, as usual.  Of course Ken and I were up until the wee hours on Christmas Eve, which seems to be a tradition of ours.  

The girls got rollerblades this year.  Since the snow has begun to melt, they've been skating all over the neighborhood.


It was fun watching little man enjoy his first Christmas.  I don't think he really understood what all the fuss was about, but he truly enjoyed eating the paper.


For Jay, the theme this year was trains and trucks.  And he didn't seem to mind at all.
All the grandparents sent sweet things for the kids as well.  We wish we could have been with them in person as they opened them.


I made the rookie move of giving the girls Polly Pockets as stocking stuffers.  Who, with a 10 month old, would do that?  I somehow convinced myself that we could keep them off the floor.  I was wrong.


While Jake enjoyed all things Thomas, the girls got to play Mommy to new baby dolls.  I love seeing their imaginations as they play mommies to their babies.

After a morning of playing, we had a family Christmas dinner.  As much as we miss being with family, it was still a sweet time together.

Christmas night we hosted a dessert and caroling with lots of friends and neighbors.  It was pure fun and complete craziness.  Base housing is lots of things, but spacious is not one of them.  We had 31 people in our tiny place and 20 of them were children.  But thanks to the piano and singing talents of my good friend Nicole, fun was had by all.  Things like that really make for fun Christmas memories.

Thanks to Ken being a student this year, he has the next week off and we're enjoying some fun family time.  And, of course, that means pictures to follow.  :) Hope your Christmas was great too.   Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Joyful expectation

It is Christmas Eve and we are waiting.

Waiting in joyful expectation.

Tonight we will go to our Christmas Eve church service.  Then we will come home and have our Shepherd's Meal together.  A meal of soup and bread, perhaps a bit like the shepherds may have shared all those years ago.  It is a simple and humble meal, as we anticipate the feast and celebration tomorrow.

Then we will read the Christmas story, imagining how it must have been on this night.  We will put the Christmas Eve ornament on our Jesse tree and light our Advent candles, just the 4, one more time before we light the white one tomorrow. We will make cookies before bedtime, and, as is tradition at our house, we will open one gift tonight.  Excitement is in the air.

We wait in joyful expectation.  For tomorrow.  For the day we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.  For the feast and the celebration.  And even more so, for the feast and celebration to come.  When Christ, the same one who came so humbly in a manger, will come again, only this time in all His glory.  As the King that He is and always has been.

We wish all of you a Merry Christmas.  That you will be consumed by the Love of the Father.  And marvel in the miracle that is Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

blizzard conditions

On Sunday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland.  Or more like a winter "say what?!?"

This gives me new appreciation for the term "snowed in".

It snowed all night Saturday night and most of the day on Sunday.  Our whole area was under a Blizzard warning.   I am from Alabama.  This was a first for me.  But it was a pretty cool thing to see.  It was actually snowing sideways with winds gusting near 60 mph, creating near white out conditions.  I had never seen "white out" conditions.  Now I have.  Very interesting.

Of course, when the kids got up, they absolutely could not wait to get outside into this white fluffy world of wonder!  But, as I mentioned, we were still experiencing blizzard conditions.  We tried to explain that to our determined brood.  But to no avail.

This is what a 4 year old looks like during said blizzard conditions.

After rethinking their plan, they decided to come in for a bit of hot chocolate and wait for the wind to die down.  Finally, it subsided a bit and they were out again.  Absolutely giddy.

We had amazing drifts in our backyard and the kids enjoyed digging for bikes and such as if they were buried treasure.  I even convinced them to "find" the garbage can for me.

Ken spent a large part of the day shoveling, and Jake was his number one helper.  They each had a shovel and he had a blast. Jake was alternating between shoveling and eating snow.  They worked hard.

And they had some fun too.

Nathan was rather impressed with the whole thing, but we decided to let him watch it from a cozier distance.  After Ken cleared a path to the front door, he enjoyed watching the kids play.  Maybe next year for him... when he's taller.

After all that playing, refueling was necessary.  Our band of red-faced kiddos came in and scarfed down some PB&Js so as to have energy for the the thing they had been looking forward to all year....

Sledding!  We have some great hills right behind our house and pretty much every kid in the neighborhood was out there in full force.

The girls loved sledding with their friends.

Don't worry, they stopped before they hit the water.

It was a day full of sledding and digging and playing and fun.

And it ended with one of the best sunsets I've ever seen.

Maybe blizzard conditions aren't so bad after all.  

Monday, December 21, 2009

coming soon...

Yes, it snowed and snowed and snowed.

And we have played and shoveled and sledded.

And I can't wait to ponder and write and share.

But right now, there is sledding to be done.  Be back soon!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

O Christmas Tree

We came...

we cut...

we conquered.

We wondered how we would get it home.

If only it would just grow legs and walk itself outta here.

Thank goodness for Daddy...

and all his sweet little helpers.

Then came the really fun part.  

I just love watching my little ones decorate the tree.  With Christmas music playing and everyone excited that Christmas is coming soon.

The shimmery lights and the colorful balls.

The sweet homemade ornaments that are so special to me.

Every little hand taking part in making the tree beautiful.

And big hands too.

Even though we only decorate the top half of the tree.

To keep all these pretty ornaments out of these sweet little hands.

And every year, we're sure that it's the prettiest tree we've ever had.

And every year, we're right.