Saturday, March 6, 2010

tummy troubles

It's about 4 am, and I'm sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

Well, I'm not watching them, but I'm snuggling and blogging as a sweet little girl beside me watches them. She woke up in tears tonight with a terrible tummy ache. We tried everything and found that the best cure tonight was cartoons.

This tummy trouble was likely gas and who knows what else, but I think some of it was heart ache as well.

It's been a rough week for the kids. Their very best friends moved away yesterday and there have been lots of tears. We move so much that normally we are the ones to leave and not the ones to get left behind. But not this time. This time we had to say goodbye to friends we've come to love, knowing that we will likely never see them again, this side of Heaven. That's tough at any age, especially when your 6. Or 8. Or 5.

There are so many blessings that we have been given through our "Navy life", but this isn't one of them. I'm not loving having to watch my kids say goodbye to friends over and over.

I grew up in a very, very small town. I never really moved, and I graduated with the same people I started Kindergarten with. Alot of those people are still there. It's strange that my kids, at least so far, don't have a place that they are "from". When they are 19 and in college and someone asks them where they are from, there will be a long answer instead of a short one.

I know that God loves them and is using this all for their good as well, so I don't normally lose alot of sleep over this. But tonight, I am losing sleep. Because I'm watching Garfield with a little girl who woke up tonight and remembered that her friends moved away.

Right now she's smiling and eating cereal and we're talking about the giant cupcake that's chasing Odie down the street. Sometimes a little TLC is all you need to get over the hard parts in life, I guess.

It's been a rough week, but I think they're going to be okay.


Amy said...

i am so sorry!!! All of what you said is true - God will use it for their good. It will be part of the process of shaping them into who He intends for them to be. But it does not take away the pain. I know full well the results of lots of moving. I think it just makes me long for my true home - heaven. I will pray for you and your little ones this week. That they will see the goodness of God in the midst of their sadness.

Merrill said...

I know that so sad feeling in the pit of your stomach- I remember crying myself to sleep because I missed the friends and places I had come to love. But I can really testify to God's faithfulness and learning from a young age that God is my constant. And I only had one sibling- your children each have four wonderful friends that will never move! What a gift!

Dena and Robbie said...

Hope she is feeling better, both her belly and her heart. I admire you and Ken for what you are sacrificing for the sake of our protection as a nation. Oh may your children know how much the sacrifice is appreciated by me and so many others. May God meet your family and strengthen each of you as you move again.