Wednesday, March 3, 2010

dog drama

While I'm waiting for my computer to work again, I'll forgo the photos and tell the story I eluded to in my last blog. You can't just say things like "911 call" and not tell the rest of the story, right?

Sunday, Ken and Jake were out on a walk together by the beach. Ken said that he heard a woman calling for help. He looks up and seeing a lady walking two dogs and waving her arms around, her face covered in blood. Of course, he and Jake wen to check on her. Turns out she had gotten tangled in her dogs' leashes and fallen on her face on the concrete pathway. Apparently she had broken her nose and knocked out a couple of teeth and was generally in pretty bad shape. Ken called an ambulance for her and called her husband, and he and Jakey waited with her until help arrived. In the mean time, her 2 dogs (one of which was pregnant with 8 puppies) had gotten over the sea wall and couldn't get up out of the water, so Ken became the hero once again as he pulled the dog back up onto the pathway.

Ken said Jake was quite concerned about the lady and kept getting in her face and asking "Are you okay?" Once the ambulance came, Ken volunteered to dog-sit for her. He wrote down our # and address and brought home these 2 big, black, wet dogs.

We didn't want to keep them outside, since it was freezing and they were wet. So we barricaded the kitchen with baby gates and kept them there for about an hour until the lady's husband arrived. Of course the kids thought it was great having dogs. They even borrowed dog treats from the neighbors to feed their temporary pets.

So, that was our drama for the day that waylayed Nathan's party. But in the end, everyone was okay and Ken and Jakey got to be good Samaritans. All's well that ends well, right?

And, as Paul Harvey would say, that's the rest of the story.


Jennifer Werneth said...

how great of them to stop what they were doing to be heros! neat story!

Jackie said...

Wow, what a day! And what an example of kindness to strangers. (And you totally deserve a medal for adding 2 wet dogs to the mix...even if only for a little while.)

Dena and Robbie said...

Hooray for Ken and Jake. I bet that woman thought they were heroes too.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is one crazy story!

Donna said...

What in the world?!! What a day- so sweet for Jake to keep asking her if she was okay. His sisters have trained him well in sensitivity. :)