Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today I took Jacob to a speech pathologist for an evaluation for a possible language delay.  I say possible because I think he has a delay of some sort, I just don't know if "language delay" is the right diagnosis, or if there even is a "diagnosis". 


We've known for a few months that he seems to be communicating at a level behind most other kids his age.  We've chalked it up to being a boy and/or having 3 chatty older sisters to talk for him.  I still think that this is a large part of it.  That maybe it's nothing more than being a "late talker".  But I also think that in order for him to continue to develop in this area, he may need a little help.

This little boy has my heart in every way.  He's a mama's boy and a charmer and he knows it. He's hilarious, makes up jokes and is the family clown.  He loves being the center of attention.
However, in a group of kids his age, he seems to pull away.  It seems it takes him longer to process, and he can't put the words together in the right way.

It's been confusing because he seems so "ahead" in so many other areas.  Counting to 200, no problem.  Reciting the alphabet, forwards and backward, got it.  He's even starting to get the idea of reading.  And yes,  I am bragging on him.  He's a smart kid.  

But none of this is helpful to him if he can't communicate.  And it really hurts my heart to see him unable to do that.  After having 3 verbose little girls, I haven't exactly known what to do or how to help him.

So, today's evaluation feels like such a blessing to me.  It is free, offered through the school system and available to every child age 1 and up.  He was evaluated by a professional, and I will meet with them after they determine the results of his testing and come up with an Individualized Education Plan just for him.

I am thankful that we're starting down a road that will hopefully give him the help he needs to get over the hump.  I seriously doubt he will ever talk as much as his sisters.  At least, I hope not.  But I do want him to be able to say whatever he wants to say. 


 I love his little voice and his little laugh and his little heart, and I am enjoying hearing him share them with me.  This little guy is such a blessing to us.  And I'm thankful.

(He did great on his "test",  by the way.  He totally charmed the lady giving it, and I'm half expecting them to come back and tell us he's just messin with us.  That would be sooo Jacob.)


Krissi said...

As a teacher I am so glad that you recognized the need for evaluation. When it comes to language development it is very important that it is worked on at an early age. I have a student in my 2nd grade class that has language and speech issues that were not dealt with early and from that he struggles with being understood and with self-esteem.
You have done exactly the right thing. I really enjoy reading your blog and keeping up with what's going on in your active family. I will keep you in my prayers as you decide the steps to be taken in the future.

Dena and Robbie said...

I will be praying for him and you guys as you press forward in this with Jacob. He does seem to be a sweet fella.

Jennifer Werneth said...

luke took longer than my leah to talk well, so it may just be a boy thing! don't girls seem to come out of the womb talking?:) anyway, i'm glad you had him tested to be sure and to get guidance on how to help him. he's a cutie, for sure!