Monday, March 15, 2010


Last week was 50 degrees and sunny. It was wonderful. I feel like spring is springing. I won't say spring has sprung, because that would guarantee a snowstorm next week. But I will say spring is springing. It's closer than it was, and we have almost made it through winter in New England.

As the last of the snow started melting a couple of weeks ago, we enjoyed some sledding with friends. The grass was starting to peek through the snow, but that didn't stop the fun.20100214-IMG_5409

The kids bundled and hit the hills.

Sledding two by two, one at the time, in trains.

Even one on top of the other.20100214-IMG_5283

I love seeing their rosy cheeks against the blue sky and the white snow.

The was the posse from our neighborhood. Always together. It was the 2 on the right who moved away last week. The rest of the gang is missing them, but really enjoyed their friendship while they were here.

Hopefully, this will be the last of the snow pictures for this year. Ken laughs at me when I say that. It's only March, after all. But I'm hopeful.

This week, we played outside and went to parks and had picnics and didn't wear coats.

Spring is springing.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Looks like fun! But I hear you on Spring coming. I've had just about enough of the snow.