Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This week blogging has once again become a casualty of our busyness. But, before I forget this, I have to write it down.

Tonight at bedtime, Claire (our ocean animal lover) pops her head up as I'm tucking her in.

She whispers, "Mom, when I grow up and I'm a Mommy, I want to be one of the guys that drives a submarine."

"Okay. That sounds great.", I whispered.

"Mom, will you go with me? We can drive it together and you can help me."

I assured her that I would be happy to and she snuggled down and went right to sleep with a smile on her face.

I can just see us cruising around the ocean together.

I would love to ride in a submarine with this sweet little girl. I hope she still wants me to when she's a "mommy".