Saturday, March 20, 2010


Silence is something we don't have alot of at our house. There are many small people in a muy small space, therefore, it is usually loud.

And when it gets too quiet, you worry. That usually means that something is wrong or someone is somewhere doing something they shouldn't be doing.

You know, things like eating dish soap or crawling on top of the piano. Or coloring the baby with a Sharpie. Things like playing in the trash can or throwing things in the toilet or emptying the fridge. And my personal favorite, playing in my make-up.

This is what that one looks like, by the way.

And in case you are wondering, those are all things that actually happened at my house this week. Along with, a trip to the doctor, 2 ear infections, a visit from my Mom (which was a great thing, by the way), one call to Poison Control, several computer repair attempts, and several other exciting things I'm too tired to remember.

So, silence? We haven't had much of that lately. And when we have, we've tried to end it quickly. However, when things are moving at this pace around here, my blog does go silent.

I've just been catching up on living life and writing about it will have to wait for a while. So I'm just taking a minute to say hello and let you know that I will be back when things slow down a bit.

Or at least when I have a few more moments of silence.


Lindsey said...

oh my! what a week! totally with you on the silence. usually means trouble. i think she looks very pretty with the make up on:). hope this week is a litte more quiet... in a good way.

Lindsey said...

loving the under eye concealer!!

Jackie said...

Phew! I'm exhausted just reading that list.

I was in Boston for work this past weekend and thought of you. I wish I'd been able to drive up and say hello, but it sounds like you had, um, a lot going on. ;)