Monday, March 1, 2010

Nathan's birthdays

Yesterday was the little man's 1st birthday. I think he makes an adorable one year old.


I would love to show some pics of his day, but our computer isn't cooperating right now. Hopefully it will be up and running again by tomorrow.

Unfortunately, his birthday wasn't quite as fun as I'd envisioned. It consisted of going to church (which means missing a nap, if you're a one year old), a 911 call and unexpected dog rescue (which I'll explain later), the Gold Medal hockey game (which is about as much fun is having a birthday on Christmas), and an ear infection (which is never fun).

We did manage the birthday breakfast, a few friends and cupcakes and presents, but it's just not the same. Even though he won't remember it, I wanted it to be his day. Because birthdays are a big deal.

So we had a do-over.

Today, I took Nathan to the doctor, started some meds and got his ear feeling a little better. After gymnastics class for the other kiddos and the busyness of the day, we all stopped and enjoyed another birthday dinner just for Nathan. We had pizza and cupcakes and sang and he was the smiling, glowing, happy little center of attention. Just the way it should be. He even got to blow out his one little candle. Again.

He is child number 5 and that will probably mean alot of hand-me-downs and left overs in his life. But he is special. And birthdays are special. And everyone needs to feel like a big deal on their birthday. And even if he doesn't remember it, I will. The year my sweet little man celebrated his first birthday. Twice.

I love you, Nathan. Happy Birthday, baby!


Me llamo Cristina said...

so sweet! what a lucky little guy!

Jackie said...

Aww, Happy Birthday to Nathan! He's adorable.

And you can't just throw "911 call and unexpected dog rescue" out there and not elaborate. What happened?!

Cheryl K said...

What a memorable birthday!

Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

Merrill said...

I agree with Jackie, we are all on the edge of our seats on that one! Happy bday to little baby boy Nathan, he is a doll (in a tough boy baby way of course!) I think he and Harris would be big buddies. Let me know if you are going to be in the DC area- we have room for 7!