Thursday, January 14, 2010

ramblings of a good day

Today has been a good day. No particular reason it was a good day. It just was. And that is so nice. The kids enjoyed each other today. There was lots of laughing and playing. School went smoothly this morning and we got done in a reasonable amount of time. Ken finished a paper last night and got that monkey off his back. Nathan was happy and took a couple of long naps. The temp got up to a balmy 35 degrees outside and I could almost hear the palm trees swaying in the breeze. I got to visit with a few neighbors, play in the snow with Jake and help him ride his bike on a little stretch of sidewalk where the ice had melted. We made cookies, read books and built forts.  Ken got out of class about 10 minutes early and offered to pick up burritos for dinner on his way home. Everyone loved dinner and gobbled it down with no whining. Nathan helped me unload the dishwasher and garbage while Ken and the older kids played Hulabaloo. The 3 girls took a bath together, albeit a very loud bath, but the noises were happy ones. And now, I'm sitting down and enjoying the quietness while Ken is reading a chapter of Pippi Longstocking to the kids upstairs. In a few minutes, we're hoping to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie, a rare treat, in celebration of his 4 day weekend. A good day, don't you agree? A hilltop day for me, given out of God's goodness.

It seems I have been so introspective lately. So many heavy things. Decisions to make. Issues with kids. And the situation in Haiti that is absolutely heartbreaking has weighed so heavily on my mind. So much I can't understand. But I am reminded, when I step back, that God is still good. He is good when He gives me a day like today. He is also good in Haiti right now. My feeble mind can't understand it. But it is true. His character doesn't change with our circumstances. I pray that as we are reminded of His goodness on these hilltops, we may be strengthened in the valleys. I have told my children over the past few days that God loves the people of Haiti. He created them just as He created us. He will be faithful to His people there and only He knows what He will bring from this. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who gives and takes away.

As I am reminded of God's goodness to me and yet see the needs of so many all over the world, I am conflicted. It doesn't seem to make sense always. But I know and am seeing more and more clearly that I have been blessed to be a blessing. God has given me so much, and because of that, I know that so much is expected of me.

I took this picture back when we were out cutting down our Christmas tree because it reminds me of this verse.  A verse that can spur us on to good deeds because we have been given so much.


"And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."   Luke 10:2


Amy said...

Glad you had a good day!!!

Jessie said...

I am heartbroken about Haiti, too. I just heard someone say, "God doesn't change in the dark days what He showed you in the light lighter ones." But still, its confusing. I think it does, at the very least, cause people to question His existence. And, at least where I am living and seeking to love others to Jesus, that is always a good thing. Even when they don't necessarily conclude the right answers. At least they wondered. At least they asked themselves if maybe, just maybe, there is Someone bigger out there who could possibly be holding our world in love. Who could possibly be worth trusting even though its risky.

Also, it humbles me. I wake up and complain about the cold, bland, sameness of my winter days right now so often. Read here: If I have to play Guess Who one more time I might just lose it! But really, I have so so much to be thankful for. And things like this remind me to ask His Spirit to cultivate a heart of thankfulness in me daily. Even hourly.

Anyway, those are my ramblings....;0)