Saturday, January 2, 2010

looking back


As we go into a new year and a whole new decade, I have to look back just a little and remember the highs and the lows.  It's been a good year and, really, the best decade of my life.   Admittedly, there have only been a little over 3 decades in my life.  But this one has been the best one so far.  And here's hoping it only gets better from here.  :)

For memories' sake, here's a timeline of the highlights of the past decade at our house.

2000:  He and me became we.  Ken and I got married in April of 2000,  and I haven't regretted a moment of it since.  I quit my job as a social worker and moved to Pensacola where Ken was a flight instructor.  Married life was great.  And it was just us 2.  In December of the same year, we found out we would be expecting our first baby.  We were now going to be a family of three 3. 

2001:  Spent the first part of the year preparing to be parents and picking out baby names.  Found out we would be moving to California shortly after baby.  In August, Hannah was born.  Rocked our world.  Loved her dearly.  Still do.

2002:  Moved to CA in February and entered a time of refining.  Stressful job, far from family, new baby.  But God was there.  Made us closer to Him and to each other.  In June, moved on base and made lifelong friends.  In August, found out we were expecting again.  We 3 would soon be a family of 4.

2003:  Moved into a different base house the day before my due date.  Ken's job eased up a bit.  Loved our neighborhood.  In May, Gracie was born.  Beautiful, tiny, hispanic-looking baby.  So sweet and quiet.  Still so sweet.  Transitioned to VT community and found out we would move to FL.

2004:  Getting ready for our next move.  Found out we were expecting baby #3.  Our 4 would soon be five.  Moved to FL with 2 babies and one on the way.  Endured Hurricane Ivan.  Hosted OCF Bible Studies at our house.  Made lots of base friends.

2005:  Early January, started the year by having another little girl.  Sweet Claire.  Slept in our closet for the first part of her life.  Found out Ken got OIC, prepared for another move.  And found out were were expecting again. (We really should expect this by now).  Our family of 5 would soon become 6.  In December, had an ultrasound.  Ended the year learning that we would soon add a son to our brood.

2006:  Moved again.  New job.  In May, welcomed Jacob.  Huge baby, rough start.  After a week in the NICU, he was as good as new.  Loved having a baby boy.  Still do.  Girls doted over their brother.  Still do.  Found out we would be moving to Indiana.

2007:  Moved to Indiana.  Ken was CO at a NOSC there. Loved being close to family.  First snows and bought a house together.  In October, found out were expecting again.  Our family of 6 was about to be 7.  Listened to his little heartbeat and made plans for this little one.  But God had different plans.  Just before Christmas, we found out he had been born into Heaven rather than into our arms.  We named him Jordan, because he crossed into the Promised Land before us.  Can't wait to hold him one day.  

2008:  Buried Jordan in January with Ken's grandparents in Illinois.  Continued our life in Indiana.  Knew that God wasn't done with our family yet.  In May, found out we were expecting again.  Our family of 6 here with us would soon become with one in Heaven.  Enjoyed my pregnancy to the fullest.  Couldn't wait.

2009:  Found out we would be moving to Rhode Island.  In February, welcomed sweet Nathan.  Loved him and counted him as a blessing in a whole new way.  Moved to Rhode Island in the summer.  Began our homeschooling adventure.  Loved having Daddy home more.  Looking forward to what the next year has in store.

6 babies and 8 addresses in the last 10 years.  It's been a busy decade.  God has had His hand on us every minute.  And I'm thankful for His faithfulness. 

Let the new year begin.  


Jessie said...

Thanks for summing up, Jenny, for us newcomers. I enjoyed the journey ;-) and what a blessing to see how the Lord has guided your family!

Maria said...

I feel blessed to have been your friend for nearly the last decade, and I look forward to many more decades of friendship, God-willing :)

Jackie said...

What a journey! Thanks for allowing us to trespass.

Jennifer Werneth said...

i'm tired from all the moving already! oh yeah, that wasn't me - i just read about your life. still...exhausting! what a beautiful family you've been blessed with! i loved the decade in review!

Christina Davis said...

WOW, this all sounds so familiar- oh yeah! That's because our lives have been SO remarkably similar. I'm glad our 9 moves intersected yours at some point in time.