Friday, January 22, 2010

Bumpa and Grandma

As I mentioned before, I am way behind in posting.  So, for the memories sake, indulge me for a bit while I play catch up with some photos.  

Just before Christmas, Ken's folks came out for the weekend and we all got to enjoy some quality grandparent time.  The kids so enjoyed visiting with them, as did we.  And we even got to sneak in a "date" to the Christmas Ball.  Well, we actually didn't sneak it in.  It was one of the reasons they came out when they did... so we would be able to go and leave the kids with them.  As Ken said, when it comes to babysitting, sometimes you have to fly in the professionals.

Anyway, everyone got some fun play time with Bumpa and Grandma.

There was lots of holding and snuggles.

And, of course, Grandma made Christmas cookies with the kids.  Because that's what Grandma's do, right?

And the kids loved it.  Because that's what kids do.

They got to go on a couple of walks together when the weather wasn't too cold.

And when it was they just cuddled up on the couch and read Christmas books that Grandma and Bumpa brought just for the occasion.

It's always a little crowded here in our cozy place, but it worked out fine.  And the kids loved getting to deflate the guest room every morning.

We're always thankful when we get to spend time with our family.  That they are always willing to make treks across the country to visit us and to love on our kids and pile into our tiny houses.  They are just cool that way.  So the visit was fun and we're glad our kids get to spend a few days, every chance we get, seeing where they came from.

And I see where this one came from.  Anyone else see any family resemblance here?

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