Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It starts early

These past couple of weeks the great freeze has begun to thaw a bit. I know it won't last (it's supposed to snow this weekend, I think), but it has re-energized me a bit.  It was so warm, in fact, that most of the snow melted.  The girls took the opportunity to have a nice little picnic and enjoy the beautiful 40 degree day.

This was obviously a girls only picnic.  Although I'm sure the boys would have been allowed to attend had they so wanted, Jacob decided that he would rather just provide entertainment instead.

Before I realized what had happened, our sweet 3 year old had stripped off his shirt and ran to the window.  He got the girls attention, then began making funny faces and dancing around.  Then, once he was sure he had their undivided attention, he began doing tricks, running into the window and throwing himself on the ground.  It looked nothing like my sweet little boy, but rather like some bizarre mating ritual that you might see on the Discovery Channel.

Of course the girls giggled (and his sisters rolled their eyes), which obviously just encouraged him.  So on went the performance.  I really didn't know it would start this early.   But he is a little man after all.   I'm sure that's not the last silly thing he'll do in his life just to get the attention of a girl.

Of course, I led him away from the window and put his shirt back on with a few well-timed words about modesty.  And hugged my sweet little boy.  And laughed.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Brrrr...I still thinks that's cold to be hanging outside! How funny to see little man exhibit himself that way- anything for a lady's attention!