Monday, January 18, 2010

quality entertainment

Do you ever let your kids do things that will actually cause you more work in the long run, simply because it brings you a few moments of quiet right now?


Don't worry.  I took out the knives first.  And then I enjoyed about 5 minutes of relative quiet... hearing nothing but the clinking of silverware on the floor.

He was happy.  I was happy.  Win.  Win.


Jessie said...

I feel like this is the story of my life! Often I give C something that is "so dangerous" to give a baby - like an empty cereal box (to choose a milder example so as not to overly incriminate myself) - and let her chew on it just until it gets gummy enough to start actually coming off in her mouth. Ahhhh....5 minutes of happy baby/happy mommy!

Jen said...

Until the next time he wants to do it and that time is not a "good" time for you. Then the fury flies. That's at least what happens in my house! Then I wish I never did it to begin with! But in answer to your question, yes. I still do it every day!

Unknown said...

I do and am gald I'm not the only one! My husband is always getting on to me but really it is so worth it sometimes!

Lindsey said...

at least once a day?! reese ate a christmas card today (partially his sister's fault but i guess i can't place blame on a 4 year old...)