Sunday, May 17, 2009

this ain't no Christmas letter

I like Christmas letters.  I really do.  Every year, starting in about November, I go to the mailbox with great anticipation, knowing that we will likely be getting letters from long lost friends.  It's so nice to hear from people we haven't seen in a while, to know how they are doing and how their family is growing and changing.  I absolutely love getting them, and we even faithfully write our own Christmas letter year.

Generally we hit the high points.  We usually start with news of a pregnancy or new baby, then we follow it up with paragraph by paragraph run down of everyone's talents, ambitions and accomplishments from the previous year.  Most Christmas letters I have read follow this same format, and overall I think it's a good thing.  Except that it's sorta crap it doesn't tell the entire story.

Don't get me wrong.  I know that joyful heart is good medicine and I'm all for encouraging one another and being all peppy and such.  But let's be honest.  There is another side to everyone's life that's not quite so rosy all the time.  The side that we all face full of struggles, challenges and just plain, ordinary bad days.  I think it's the things that end up one the "Christmas letter cutting room floor" that make us who we are.  And I think sharing those with one another, in balance with all the rosy things, can be the most encouraging thing of all.

Now, I have no intention of making my blog a platform for complaining and whining.  On the contrary, I intend to show just as many smiling pictures of my kiddos as possible and share the funny stories as usual.  This is, however, also my journal.  It just happens to be written for the world to see (all 5 of you).  When I look back and read this, I want to see how the Lord has blessed my family with fun and happiness and also how He has carried us through the days that just didn't seem worthy of the Christmas letter.

So, as you read this blog (and I hope you do), you'll get to see lots of smiles, some funny stories, lots of random thoughts and a little more transparency.  Why?  Because this is life...not a Christmas letter.


Anonymous said...

Well... jen change that number to 6 cause I read your blog every chance I get. I have just not ever commented. You know, what you said is so completely true about the Christmas card thing. It made me think about what I had written to you. I won't go into all the details, but little did I know when I wrote that letter to you, that my world would suddenly start to cave in on me. The last few months have not been easy, but through these diffcult days God has brought me much closer to Him. I want to ask you to pray for me, and I know you are someone that I can count on to really pray...not just one of those people who says they will but never does. God is working, and I am beginning to see some of His plan. However, it is not an easy journey. I know I am being vague, and I am sorry for that, but God knows and that is all that matters.

You encourage me daily when I read your latest posts, so please don't stop. Sometimes, I read them more than once. I know you are busy, but I find comfort in your words.

I just wanted you to know that I have been quietly reading and being encouraged by what a Godly woman you are.


Jackie said...

Jenny, you're honesty is absolutely beautiful.