Wednesday, May 6, 2009

like jello

Now midweek, we are recovering from a fun-filled week with family.  Ken's folks, as well as his sister and her family were here for a visit and a good time was had by all.  With 3 families (17 people!) under one roof for 2 nights, you would think we probably maxed our capacity.  I have learned, however, that family is a bit like Jello.  There's always room for more. 
The highlight of the weekend was that Nathan got to meet all of his cousins for the first time.  Then, while everyone was here we had an early double birthday party for Grace, who is about to 6, and for Bumpa, who is about to be double 6.  Food, family, fun and cake.  Who could ask for anything more?

1 comment:

Jennifer Werneth said...

you're a great photographer! you've got skills, girl! and your baby boy...i could eat him up! so cute! your fam is beautiful!