Sunday, May 31, 2009

Follow me...

The night before Ken and I got married, he brought his guitar to my parents house and sang the John Denver song "Follow Me" to me.  It was so sweet, and I'm sure he will be immensely embarrassed that I'm sharing that with you.  However, the song has been so true in our marriage, as I have literally followed him all over the country now in our Navy adventures.

That being said, you are invited to follow me as I follow him (who is following Him, by the way).  Let me clarify...  I've added a Followers gadget to my right sidebar so I can keep up with all those wonderful people who follow our family blog.  If you ever read here and find it interesting or even mildly amusing,  please do click there to become a "follower".  Then, others can click on that and link to your blog (if you have one, but you don't have to) to see what you've been up to lately.  

And if you really want to follow us, we'll be moving to Rhode Island in about 8 weeks.  But you probably don't want to do that.  Because that would be weird.

And because I rarely post without pictures... here's my favorite man to follow and one of my most faithful followers.  :)


Maria said...

I'd love to follow you to Rhode Island my dear friend and daily encourager! :) But I think Montana (aka "God's Country) is a nicer area to live, so I think you should follow me instead :) I guess I can console myself with the fact that we are both "followers" of Christ and we'll live together in heaven someday... Until then, I'll follow your blog and keep calling you daily for encouragement :)

Jackie said...

Ooh, Ooh, me, me, me! I've never been to Rhode Island before. I'll follow you. At least for a visit anyway. Eight moves in 9 years...sheesh! I moved 5 years in a row once, but that was just me. I can't imagine doing it with all those young'uns. My prayers are with you guys!