Thursday, May 14, 2009

I dare you...

Really, I dare you....

because you really can't do it....

especially if you happen to be a grandparent....

I dare you to look at this picture....

without smiling.

Go ahead....

I dare you.

And now, speaking of smiling, remember track and field day at school?  The day when you get to play outside all day?  The day when the air is full of excitement, intermingled with the smell of sweaty kids?  Well, that day was this week at Hannah's school and a great time was had by all. Ken got to stop by for a while and cheer her on and take a few pictures.  (You know if we were there, pictures were taken.)  Hannah came in the first in one of the track races and 1st in the hula-hoop contest, but the true highlight of the day was the water balloon toss.  Good times.

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