Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday = Fun-day!

For all practical purposes, today was our weekend.  Ken, after a week of trips, had to work all weekend, so we had all missed out on family time.  It seems we've all been extra tired and in much need of a little fun, so today we took a Fun-day!  Hannah had school, but we checked her out at lunch time so we could all spend the afternoon together.  We don't normally encourage truancy, but today it seemed like the right thing to do.  

It was a gorgeous day outside, so after a nice picnic lunch, Daddy joined the kiddos in a water gun war.
Claire, who loved the action but didn't really care for getting her clothes wet, decided to stick with Daddy for protection.

Grace, always creative, found a new drinking fountain.

Hannah was on the prowl and thoroughly enjoyed the romp in the yard.

After water gun wars and a quick snack, Daddy and the girls went on a bike ride. The he helped Grace practice her big girl bike with no training wheels.  And, yes, as a matter of fact, she is wearing a kitty cat suit.  Why not?

And where was baby boy during all the action?  Why he was laying on a blanket in the grass, just taking it all in, of course.
And Jake gave a running commentary on every car that passed.  The boy loves cars.

Later in the evening, after a dinner of blueberry pancakes and sausage, we went fishing in the lake in our neighborhood.  The girls fished and picked flowers while Jake chased the ducks and played with the worms.  Nathan and I just took it all in.  ;)

It really was a beautiful day.
And at the end of the day, we headed back inside.  Home sweet home, at least for now.
Now who says Mondays can't be fun-days?

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