Tuesday, February 2, 2010

super mom

This morning I got 5 children dressed and fed. I laid out clothes last night, so I was able to find clean undies and clean clothes and I even found 12 clean socks.  I got shoes on everyone and hair brushed and teeth brushed and jackets on.  I packed the diaper bag, found toys for entertainment, books for reading, snacks for eating and water cups for the masses.  I rallied the troops, led them to the car and buckled all the carseats.

And we went to the dentist.

The 4 oldest children got their teeth cleaned and the littlest guy watched.  Nobody cried, everyone used very nice manners and no one had cavities.  They all picked prizes out of the treasure chest and we went happily on our way.  We again filed outside, loaded the up the van and headed home.  Lunch time went well, the food was healthy and everyone was happy. 

And I felt like super mom.

I don't always feel like super mom.  When the laundry is overflowing or the dishes or piling up or the baby is playing in the toilet, I don't feel like supermom.  When the kids are fighting or are walking around in PJs at noon or I haven't showered in 3 days.  Or when I'm feeding the kids cereal for dinner or losing my temper or cleaning up poop.  Then, I don't feel like supermom. 

But today I did.  

In a season in life where the littlest things can feel monumental, such a small accomplishment feels like a victory.   God carried me through the day and gave me that little bit of encouragement I needed. And now, I think I can make it through another week... 
as just plain, ol' mom.


The McNeills said...

Honey - you are super mom everyday. I love you! K

Maria said...

You're not only a super-MOM, you're a super-FRIEND! I thank God for you (and I'm sure your kids do too even though they don't say it)! :)

Me llamo Cristina said...

anything but plain! :)

Amy said...

Love this post!!! Glad you had one of those days. This post made me think of the Caedmon's Call song Sacred - have you heard it.

Donna said...

What a day! I've wondered how you do things like dentist appts as the family grows so big. You should DEFINITELY celebrate your "good mommy" days!!! You are a great mom- and that picture is adorable- what a happy little fella you have!

Jackie said...

Ditto to what Christine said.