Friday, February 12, 2010

one small step...

It's official, the little man is on the move. He's taken quite a few steps this week. Totally melts my heart. I can't believe that my baby is starting to walk. On the other hand, it totally makes me laugh. The kid has no sense off caution. If he's anywhere even close to upright, he plows ahead with reckless abandon. No time for nonsense such as getting his balance. He's up and he's off, with all the grace of a drunken sailor.


Besides the walking, he's taken quite a liking to getting into everything. And I do mean everything. He' dumped countless bowls of cereal left too close to the edge of the table; emptied every cabinet, drawer and basket he can reach; completely unloaded the bookshelf more times than I can remember and has develped a new facination with playing in the tiolet. Yes, I did say playing in the tiolet. And yes, it is beyond disgusting. We have since installed a bathroom door baby gate that must be hurdled in order to get in the bathroom. Woe to the child who waits until the "last minute" to go potty. I digress. 

Despite all of this, I still think he is about the cutest little almost-1-year-old person in the world. He's using a few words now and I'm loving his sweet little voice. He's getting quite a mullet, but I haven't yet been able to bring myself to cut off the sweet blonde curls.  No matter how much he gets into in a day, I really do wish I could keep him this size forever.


Dena and Robbie said...

Too cute. I heard a friend once say they would rather have all the mess than not to have the mess or the one who made it. What a sweet little guy.

Jessie said...

So cute and so fun! I like the last minute bathroom comment - made me laugh!

Donna said...

How Precious- can't believe he's already walking and talking! So smart! You could have written that first paragraph about all he gets into about Tucker- we LOVE the potty and cereal bowls and dishwasher and drawers. He is so cute- keep the mullet!