Monday, February 8, 2010

we call this school

When we first started homeschooling this year, I wasn't really sure what to expect.  I had a curriculum to work through, lessons to teach and books to read.  While we still do all of those things, I have also come to appreciate having the flexibility of being at home.  After all, if I'm only going to teach exactly like a school would teach them, then why not just send them to school, right?  Since we're not limited to a classroom setting and we have to be flexible anyway, why not just make it fun?

Fortunately, the little people at my house are very creative and are always coming up with fun things to entertain themselves.  I just try to add a little educational value and bam!  School!

After I came home from the grocery store last week, the kiddos quickly unloaded the groceries onto the floor.  They were at first hunting for the good stuff, but then decided to use the groceries as towers and such.
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So, since we had food all the over the floor anyway, I gave them a box of play money and some coins and we made a "store".  They took turns buying groceries and being the cashier.  Good math practice and more fun than worksheets.
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After the "store" closed, they used the groceries to make a train for their stuffed animals.  To a passerby, it may look like chaos.  And they would be right!  But don't worry, we cleaned it up later.
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The next morning, we got to watch a squirrel right outside our back door.  A certain mommy (who will remain nameless) had set the garbage outside the door rather than braving the cold to walk it 10 feet to the garbage can.  So this little guy was living large out there.  It was fun to watch him up close.
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And, so as not to let my laziness be wasted, we made this into an educational event, too!  The kids all piled around and drew the squirrel and wrote all their observations about him.    Science.  Handwriting. Critical thinking.  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Isn't school great?
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Lest you be worried, we do real school as well.  And although I do have occasional moments of panic, overall I think they are doing okay.  

But the best days are the ones when we can just learn from what's around us.  And we are both learning tons this year.


Amy said...

that is great!!! As I studied Charlotte Mason she pounded the idea that "Living Ideas" are the key to creating life long learners. It is way more valuable than a book or worksheet. They are learning about life around them and how to look at life around them as an opportunity to learn!!! Enjoy!!!

Jennifer Werneth said...

hearing about your lessons makes me want to go back to school myself! i love your view of homeschooling!

Merrill said...

I agree with Amy- all these things you mentioned are wonderful learning moments. I am plunging in to homeschooling in the fall- and I am getting excited about it. What curriculum do you use?

Dena and Robbie said...

I am so glad you and the kids are enjoying homeschooling. It is a blessing, challenge and sheer joy. To see your kids learning and being a part of it is so exciting. Keep it up and love the moment.