Monday, July 27, 2009

Until next time...

We had a wonderful last weekend in Indiana.  Now the real fun in is about to begin.  Our movers will be here in about 5 hours and we're still up sorting, packing, cleaning, and the list goes on.  But enough about that...on to the fun weekend.

My parents came up from Alabama for one last visit before we move out of driving distance.  The kids so enjoyed them and so did we.  It never seems to be "work" when my parents are here.  We can just truly relax and enjoy their company.  I know the kids feel the same way.  Even though it's been several months since they've seen them, they picked up right where they left off.  

The first day they were in town we met them at their hotel for a swim (they stayed in a hotel to avoid disrupting our packing progress....and let's be honest, it's a little more relaxing. :)  Then, that night, they went to a George Strait concert.  Certainly a fun date and much needed get-away for them.  While they were doing that, Ken and the older kids camped out in the backyard with the neighbor kids.  I know I've mentioned before how much we will miss this neighborhood, haven't I?  They roasted marshmallows, played games and slept in tents (at least until the 2am thunderstorm hit and everyone moved it inside).

On Saturday Ken and I got to go on a date...a rare treat!  We went to a yummy fondue restaurant and enjoyed a fun evening together.  My folk and the kiddos ordered pizza and played and had a movie night.  Then, the girls wanted to have a sleepover with my folks, so I dropped off the older 2 and they had an absolute blast!  They slept on the fold out in my folks room, went swimming at 10pm, had snacks and got to eat the "best breakfast ever" at the hotel the next morning.  I'm so glad that they are having these opportunities to make fun memories.

On Sunday our church prayed for us and sent us off.  (I know I have also mentioned that we will miss this church.  We really will.)  Then my Dad and Ken went to the Brickyard 400...yee-ha...and my Mom and I took the kids for another swim.  Could you really ask for a better weekend?

But (sigh) it's over now and time to get to work.  The movers roll in this morning and we're off on a week long adventure as we head to RI.  We'll likely be offline for a while, but I'll email our new address to those who'd like it as soon as we get there.  I do so enjoy the fellowship I have with so many of you via blog and email and I know that several of you pray for our family.  This week, if you would, will you pray for a safe and smooth transition for our family?  And for the hearts of our children as they move away from friends they love.  And, give thanks with us for the blessings that God has given us in our last 2 years here.  Now... let's head 'em up and move 'em out!


Donna said...

You seem so calm and relaxed when you are moving NOW! That's awesome- and what a fun visit. GEORGE STRAIT?!! He is AWESOME- my parents have been trying to get to one of his concerts for years and it hasn't worked- I'm impressed. I will DEFINITELY pray for your transition! Take Care!

Stew and Heidi said...

Hey Guys,
Heidi and I were thinking about you guys this morning. Now that we are on the list of ex-neighbors, we will keep in touch through electronics. Hope the transition is going smooth. Hannah (Clark) had a rough (tears) day the day you guys left. She will miss having her good friends next door, as will we. Hannah has her own email address so I sent her this link. However, I will have her add your email address to her contact list to correspond with the girls.
You are all in our prayers. Keep us posted with everything.
Ps; not sure how you fit it all in Jen, but the blog is awesome!
Talk to you guys soon!
Stew and Heidi

Cory + Jackie said...

Hey Guys!

I wanted to let you know how much Cory and I will you miss you both and the children. Your lives have encouraged us and it has been a sweet blessing to have been a part of your lives in any way. I will truly miss the best children ever!!! Our prayer is for you guys to continue to grow together towards Christ as a family and for us to be able to have the same Christ centered family as you both. Stay in touch!!!! Keep up with us at We love you guys! Cory & Jackie