Thursday, July 2, 2009

the grocery store

I've said it once, and I'll say it again.  I'd almost rather be beaten with a stick than to go grocery shopping.  Don't get me wrong, I am abundantly thankful to have groceries to buy, mouths to feed and the resources with which to do it.  It is, however, the process that I dislike.  I don't particularly enjoy menu planning, sale browsing or list writing.  And even more, I dislike the time it takes, loading the cart, unloading the cart, loading the bags, unloading the bags and putting everything away....usually only to realize that I forgot the one thing I most needed. Then, within a week, maybe less, the process must be repeated.

Of all the things, however, that I abhor about the grocery shopping experience, I must say that it is the comments of fellow shoppers that are the most puzzling to me.  I grew up in Alabama and, generally speaking, the rule of thumb there is, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."  (Or at the very least, sugar coat it until no one can really tell if it was nice or not.)

For my own sanity and out of consideration for others, I usually try to shop alone, after the little ones are in bed and Ken is holding down the fort.  There are, however, times when I need to pick up a few things and I have to take the whole crew with me.  They are usually quite well behaved and really don't cause a disruption of any sort.  But still, I think it's the size and close ages of our family that seems to catch people off guard...and so, they feel the need to say something.  "Got your hands full, don't ya?"  "You've got your own basketball team there!" "Don't you know how this happens?" and, my personal favorite, "Are they all yours?"  I usually laugh off the comment and let it go.  After all, I think people just don't know what to say and when they see us coming they feel the need to say something.  The comments don't necessarily bug me, I just think they need to come up with some new material.

Most of the time, though, I do try to shop alone.  And, believe it or not, I still get comments.  Namely concerning the amount of groceries in my cart.  "Wow, you must be hungry." and the like.  Really, should it really concern anyone else how many groceries I buy?  Should I have to justify every time that I have a family of 7 people who need to eat?  Not to mention diapers and wipes, pull-ups and paper products, laundry detergent and cleaning supplies.  And, oh yeah, I do have to buy food...for 6 out of 7 people...every week.  Should it really bother anyone how many groceries I buy or what I buy, for that matter?  Unless I am asking them to pay for my groceries or haul them out to the car for me.  Really.  

But, I generally try to just ignore the comments and go about my business of gathering so I can feed my family for the coming week.  And when I do get the occasional comment, I realize that maybe they just don't know any better. Then I just say, in true southern fashion, "Bless their heart."


Donna said...

You are so right- just say something nice. I got on an elevator with a man the other day and my kids were kind of crazy and I said something like 'sorry' or something and he said, "oh I have seven of my own" and I said, "oh you are so blessed- how wonderful" and you could tell it took him off guard. I only have three and get comments- I can't imagine how often you must here it with five. I'm sure you handle it with grace.

Anonymous said...


I have not had a chance to look at your blog in awhile...but I had to comment on the grocery store. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "You sweet thing you have your hands full" or " I just don't know how you do it with 3 little ones." and I only have 3! I cannot even imagine what you get! I miss you and I am so glad you are well Congrats on your move...can you ask to move to Jacksonville??? Love you Jenny and may God continue to bless you!!!! Melinda