Wednesday, July 8, 2009

long, fun weekend

This picture pretty much says it all.  We had a great 4th of July weekend and just got home today from a wonderful visit with Ken's family.  We hung out with the family, cooked out burgers, watched the fireworks and stayed up late.  We played in the pool, played badminton, ate popsicles and went for walks.  We visited an animal farm, rode bikes, played ball and ate some more.  There was a trip into the city, fun at the Aquarium, a walk by Lake Michigan and even a Cubs game at Wrigley.  We took flowers to the cemetery, took family photos and enjoyed 4 generations under one roof.  All is all it was a fun-filled weekend that I would love to tell more about and hopefully will later, but for now, I can't wait to go to bed.  Hope you had a wonderful 4th!


Jennifer Werneth said...

sweet, sweet picture! i wanna kiss those chubby cheeks!

Donna said...

That sounds like my dream weekend- how fun and refreshing.