Friday, April 16, 2010

news from the home front

We have a house!

After a long few weeks of house hunting, God gave us a house. And not just any house, but a really great house. So much better than any other house that we thought we wanted. Not in a fancy way, but in a bunch of little ways that meet our needs. So much more that we even dared to ask for.

Yesterday, we consciously stopped praying for the Lord to help us find a house and started praying for the Lord to just give us a house, the one He had for us.  He did.  All within about 2 hours.... a new house popped onto the rental market, we saw it, we filled out an application and we had a home. It was a gift and we are thankful.

Because it is so much more than we thought we even needed, we both feel very strongly that God has plans for us here that we don't even know yet. I don't think that this house is just for our comfort or to have room for more material possessions. I do think that it is a gift that is to be used to glorify God is whatever way He has planned. And we are praying for the faith to trust in that.

So I wanted to encourage all of you who have been praying that God would give us a home. He did. And we are thankful!


Amy said...

I love stories like that. I have been thinking about starting a Cook family stones of remembrance journal to keep up with our own story of His faithfulness in our life. This story made me think of passing on that idea to you guys. Wouldn't it be a great legacy to leave to the family? A book of our story. Anyway, were are you guys moving to? You can message me on Facebook if you don't want to post it on here. So glad you found a house.

Jessie said...

Yea! So, glad to hear of this provision - I know it's a relief and blessing. Can't wait to hear how you guys see Him use you in this new place.

Maria said...

I'm praising God with you and planning a trip to visit you once our baby is get that guest room ready for me! :)

Lee B said...

So happy for you! I know you are relieved. I just have to say your family and all the little events you blog about are beautiful. I so enjoy reading about your goings on and your pics just capture the moments so perfectly. I adore the one of the kids putting on a puppet show for the baby...that is precious!

Jackie said...

This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see pics.

Donna said...

So thrilled for you guys! God always knows what we need and I totally know how you feel about thinking He has plans for your home. Wonderful! Congratulations!