Monday, December 7, 2009


No, I can't post new pictures yet.

I'm still waiting. And waiting.  Waiting for a one little part that I need to arrive in the mail.  The little part that I need to solve all of my downloading problems.  It was supposed to be here today, but the post office is kinda busy this time of year, you know.  So I'll just wait until tomorrow.

And then hopefully pictures will come.  But right now, I'm thinking about waiting.  It is a season of waiting.  Christmas is coming and my little ones can hardly wait.  It is Advent and we are waiting.

We've been explaining to the children the meaning of Advent and celebrating the time leading up to the birth of Christ.  We've been doing our Jesse tree and helping them see a God who keeps His promises.   God promised a Savior would come.

 "There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.  And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord."  (Isaiah 11:1-2)

God called His people to wait for that Savior.   And God was faithful and He did come.  And He did save us.  And now, again, we wait.  We wait for Him to return.  We know He will.  Just as He kept His promise to us thousands of years ago, so He will again. 

I forget sometimes that we are called to wait.  I want to have Heaven now.  I want all to be made right and Jesus to come in all His glory.  But He has asked us to wait.  His faithfulness is being glorified in that waiting.

And just as the anticipation of Christmas morning fills the hearts of my children right now, I pray that the unspeakable joy of uniting with my Savior will fill my heart now.  That I will glorify Him as I wait.  I pray to be humbly used by Him while I wait.  I will be refined and tried and it will never be for naught because I will ultimately be perfected in Him.

So, waiting is what I'm thinking about right now. 

 Waiting for the Savior that came as a baby.  Waiting for Him to return.  Knowing that He is glorified through it all.  And so thankful for His promises.

You're ready for me to have my camera back, aren't you?  :)


Jennifer Werneth said...

yes, i'm so ready! we do the jesse tree too. isn't it awesome not only for the kids, but for our hearts too?!

Jackie said...

"His faithfulness is being glorified in that waiting." Of this, I needed reminding. Thank you.

Merrill said...

We do the Jesse tree too, and it is really wonderful! I love your pics, bring back the camera!

Hen Jen said...

downloading problems stink!

Walking in His promise, great reminder.

much grace and peace to you this season,