Thursday, December 3, 2009

I feel like alexander

Remember the book?  You probably read it in grade school.  

 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Well, today I felt like Alexander.  

You may remember from the book, it wasn't that his day was really that bad.  It was just lots of little things.  Things that piled up and felt like big things.   My day was kind of like that today.  In the right perspective, it was fine.  But out of that right perspective, it just felt terrible, horrible, no good and very bad.

It was the laundry piled up that needs to be washed.  The school paperwork that had to sent in.  It was the cold gray rainy morning and the sunrise that just took too long to happen.  It was the even bigger pile of laundry that needs to be folded and the bathroom that smells like, well, you know.  It was the realization that some little person in my house turned the refrigerator temp to "off" and now all the food has gone bad.

It was the sheets that need to be changed and the dry cleaning that needs to be taken and the library books that will probably be overdue.  It was the holes in the knees of every pair of kids jeans and the stains I can't get out.  It was having to wash a cup to get a drink of water because that's how many dishes are in my sink.

It was the little aches and pains in my children that make we worry.  And looking for a place to live in Virginia, when we have to move...again.  It was dreading having my husband gone alot more and wondering in advance how everything is going to get done.   

It was the Christmas package that got left out in the rain by the UPS man and the soggy toys for the kids that I hope will dry out by Christmas.  And the order was wrong anyway.  It was the bills and filing and paperwork that seems to pile up and never get done.  And the fact that I really can't even see parts of my bedroom floor because that's the last room to get cleaned.

It was cleaning up poop.  And more poop.  And still more yet again.  And realizing that I've changed at least 20,000 diapers in the last 8 1/2 years and that probably makes me an environmental terrorist.

It was just being tired because my baby is still getting up several times at night to nurse.  And the feeling guilty because I just can't let him cry it out yet.  I'm just too tired.

I was knowing that I need to put my marriage first and make my husband a priority yet feeling stretched by the little people that need me too.  And it was feeling guilty that I have such a wonderful husband who loves me anyway.

Then it was realizing that my USB port on my camera isn't working so I can't download pictures for the next couple of days.  And then it was thinking that it really shouldn't bother me that much since it's just a camera.  But it does.

It was the kids running in and out and in and out and the games, diapers, dishes, clothes, papers, food and whatever else laying all over the floor.  And the baby trying to eat all of it.

It was realizing that I couldn't make what was on my menu for dinner because everything in the fridge is now bad (remember), so now I have to come up with another non-perishable plan for dinner.  And I need to clean out the fridge. 

And it's staying up late now because I just want to enjoy the quiet.  Even though I know I'll be tired tomorrow.  And mostly, it's PMS.  Which would probably explain why the previous 25 things bothered me.  But oh well.

For now, I am going to try to think of all this in the right perspective.  All of things that were hard today are only evidence of blessings that we have been given.  Were it not for the blessing of my family none of those things would have likely bothered me today.  Or any other day.  But what a blessing I would be missing.   

I love these little people that fill my house.  And I love that God really has blessed us so richly.  

And I love my husband.  He got us Chinese food for dinner.  :)


Jennifer Werneth said...

i hear you, alexander! i don't have as many children to manage, but often feel stretched thin and not able to do all that i think i need to (or as well as i should either). sometimes we just need someone to bring home chinese! kuddos to your hubby!

Jackie said...

Oh Jenny. You're a rock star. Seriously. And so is your husband for bringing home the Chinese food.

--Shelley said...

that could have been my life, minus 2 kids. i love the part about your bedroom being the last to be cleaned. it made me feel better about myself. i am sorry it was a bad day. and it is hard to keep perspective when it is that many things.

Hen Jen said...

cyber hugs, sounds like a hard day, specially the UPS part..that would be upsetting.

Chocolate is your only answer. Chocolate, and lock yourself in a room with a Meg Cabot book!

Donna said...

Oh my goodness- I just NOW read this post- it is wonderful AND SO represents my life. Especially about my bedroom ALWAYS being a wreck b/c it's at the bottom of my to-do list. I'm literally cutting out my jesse tree ornaments TODAY- over a week late. I have had the ho-hums the last week too- but you are right- these are the things that come with our blessings- you can't have one without the other.

Lindsey said...

i'm a little behind so i'm playing catch up... so sorry for your terrible, horrible, no good, ugly bad day. hoping you've had some excellent, wonderful, blessed, amazingly great days since. and if it makes you feel better, my word verification is "potties"

Lee B said...

Jenny, i have felt this way so many times. Not that I want you or any other mom to feel this way though. You are certainly allowed to feel this way and thank goodness it usually passes quickly! I'm enjoying your blog so much. It's really inspiring me to do one with my kiddos. And finish the one I never started for my pre-k kiddos! Who knows?