Tuesday, December 22, 2009

blizzard conditions

On Sunday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland.  Or more like a winter "say what?!?"

This gives me new appreciation for the term "snowed in".

It snowed all night Saturday night and most of the day on Sunday.  Our whole area was under a Blizzard warning.   I am from Alabama.  This was a first for me.  But it was a pretty cool thing to see.  It was actually snowing sideways with winds gusting near 60 mph, creating near white out conditions.  I had never seen "white out" conditions.  Now I have.  Very interesting.

Of course, when the kids got up, they absolutely could not wait to get outside into this white fluffy world of wonder!  But, as I mentioned, we were still experiencing blizzard conditions.  We tried to explain that to our determined brood.  But to no avail.

This is what a 4 year old looks like during said blizzard conditions.

After rethinking their plan, they decided to come in for a bit of hot chocolate and wait for the wind to die down.  Finally, it subsided a bit and they were out again.  Absolutely giddy.

We had amazing drifts in our backyard and the kids enjoyed digging for bikes and such as if they were buried treasure.  I even convinced them to "find" the garbage can for me.

Ken spent a large part of the day shoveling, and Jake was his number one helper.  They each had a shovel and he had a blast. Jake was alternating between shoveling and eating snow.  They worked hard.

And they had some fun too.

Nathan was rather impressed with the whole thing, but we decided to let him watch it from a cozier distance.  After Ken cleared a path to the front door, he enjoyed watching the kids play.  Maybe next year for him... when he's taller.

After all that playing, refueling was necessary.  Our band of red-faced kiddos came in and scarfed down some PB&Js so as to have energy for the the thing they had been looking forward to all year....

Sledding!  We have some great hills right behind our house and pretty much every kid in the neighborhood was out there in full force.

The girls loved sledding with their friends.

Don't worry, they stopped before they hit the water.

It was a day full of sledding and digging and playing and fun.

And it ended with one of the best sunsets I've ever seen.

Maybe blizzard conditions aren't so bad after all.  


Jennifer said...

looks cold....but definitely fun!!!

Donna said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! HOW WONDERFUL! I've never seen snow like that. How fun to sled with all your neighboors- like living at a ski resort- you know we Southerners drive up to those resorts and pay money to sled and tube down the hill. Glad you had a white Christmas week!

Merrill said...

wasn't it so fun! We have similar baby boys too who can look forward to next year.