Sunday, September 27, 2009

we went out

Last week Ken and I got to go out for the first time since we've been here!  Yay!  Our sweet friend and neighbor Nicole watched the kids while Ken and I went to a social for new students at the Admiral's home.  Granted, it was a Navy function but it was still nice to get dressed up and get out for a while.  Talking to each other and with other adults does wonders for the soul.  When we got home, the kids were having so much fun.  They were fed, smiling and dressed for bed.  Who could really ask for anything more, right?  She even snapped a family picture for us when we got home. It was a fun night for everyone....thanks, Nicole!


Jennifer Werneth said...

glad you got to go out! it's nice to be the wife w/o being the mom sometimes! you look great too!

Donna said...

You look beautiful- how could you have "just" had a baby!! I love Jacob sucking his thumb- he's still a little guy!

Jackie said...

Gorgeous family! So glad you guys got a date night. And you look mah-velous dah-ling.