Monday, September 21, 2009

growing up

Little man is growing up.  He's now drinking from a sippy cup, as well as drinking from our cups.  He's eating most of what we eat, in very small bites, of course.  He  just started scooting across the floor, so once he's got his eye on something, he goes after it.  He's also recently discovered that he has opinions.  He is 6 months old after all, but to me it just all seems to be moving way too fast!

I think, the more children we have, the more I realize how short this time with them really is. So little time to hold them, teach them, train them, love them.  With each child, it's really gotten easier to just enjoy them.  With each milestone they reach, I want to hold them that much tighter and love on them that much more.  To delight in every minute.  Because they certainly don't stay little for long.

1 comment:

Donna said...

He is SUCH a dollbaby! I love those cheeks! I love the picture of him in the swing too- those little toes! I absolutely agree that you appreciate babyhood more and more in subsequent children because you KNOW how fast it goes. They are really only babies a minute. Thank you Lord for the time we have. Let us never take it for granted!