Thursday, September 10, 2009

homeschool... week 1

We are almost done with our first week of school.  This is my first year homeschooling and I was a little unsure (to say the least) of how it would go.  With 5 little ones at home all day, teaching preschool, 1st and 2nd grade, chasing a 3 year old and nursing a baby....I, too, had questioned the wisdom of this decision.  But, I have to say that God has blessed our week and I have been pleasantly surprised.  We have always toyed with the idea of home school, but never taken the leap until now.  The fact that we are only going to be here a year and the fact that the schools leave a bit to be desired certainly played into our decision.  But, honestly, it was more than that.  We wanted to take a year to have our children home with us.  To train and teach the way that we felt God has been leading us.  To see what that would look like in our family.

I can't say that I know at this point, considering it's only been a week.  But I can say that alot of the fear and reservations that I had before have started to subside.  I am seeing that I am capable, though only by God's grace, to teach my children.  I am loving the rewards of seeing them learn every single day.  This week we've learned spelling words and read lots of books. We've done math puzzles and learned a memory verse.  We've prayed for Iraq and Afghanistan and learned about the 7 continents of the world.  We've made bracelets and learned that an egg will float in salt water.  We've colored a viking ship, read about Leif Ericsson, and studied the history of our Pledge.  We've also played outside, visited with friends, gone on walks and worked on chores.  And all that in the past 3 days!

I know that this is painting a prettier picture of homeschooling than may be realistic for the entire year.  But I say all this to say that I have been "encouraged".  God has, in the truest since, given me courage this week.  He's guided us through this first week, and I really needed that.   I have really enjoyed my time with my children and that is about the best thing I can ask for in this adventure.  I want to be able to truly love them and disciple them through this process.  I got a small taste of that this week, and it's really given me hope.  Now, as for next week, we'll see.  But this week, God has given me courage and, by His grace, I'm looking forward to this year with my kids.


Jennifer said...

Yea! I hope it continues to be rewarding!

Dena and Robbie said...

I am so excited for you. It is a blessing even when the days aren't so encouraging. I pray that you will continue to be strengthened through this time. Let me know how it is with a newborn and homeschool. Right now we school during the baby's morning nap but those will end soon and a new one will arrive. I'm a little nervous about how that will look. Press on.

Jennifer Werneth said...

glad to hear that it's going well! here's hoping for a whole year of wonderful times!

--Shelley said...

glad you are blogging about it. i think that will be me next year. they are in preschool this year but my plan is to start with the oldest next fall. i too am excited but nervous about if i can really do it. but i know God has called me to it at least for a while.

Donna said...

How wonderful for you. I'm glad you are hanging in there. You know we are homeschooling, but I still freak out about it a lot and could always change my mind. I LOVE the time with my babies- and one mom mentioned the other day how special it was for big kids who are homeschooled to get to be with the babies in their family all day and not have to miss the baby growing up. Oh, and I was mad at Kanye messing with T-swift!