Wednesday, June 9, 2010

we're outta here

Well, we've finally made it to move day. The movers are coming bright and early in the morning to pack the house then load it on Friday then we're outta here. I am tired. So tired that my brain isn't really working right now. But I need to empty my head before I can get a couple hours of sleep, so - in no particular order- here are my thoughts tonight.

I enjoyed reading the captions for the last pictures. I'll have to give the cookie to Cheryl for "Flying Lessons", since Ken's a pilot and all. But they were all fun... especially those that referred to poop. Ken said that if more of the commenters were men that there would have been more of those. He's probably right.

We've been cleaning all week, getting ready for the pack out and the move-out inspection. I think whoever invented the Mr. Clean Erase sponges should get some kind of lifetime achievement award. Really.

I haven't blogged much lately because I just don't have time. The kids have been going to bed later and by the end of the night, I just have no more time and even less energy. I missed blogging about Jake's birthday. He just turned 4. Such a big boy and so sweet. We went bowling. I'm going to blog about it soon and post date it to make it look like I did it on time... just so I don't feel guilty when I read it years from now. I sure love that little boy.


Ken also had a birthday. He's my favorite 41 year old in the whole world. He's just really awesome and helpful and sweet. I love him so much. I could think of lots of words to describe out marriage right now. Lots of the words would be fun or sexy words. And they would be true. But the number one word that comes to mind right now is teamwork. We are a team. In the middle of our ump-teenth PCS, I am especially thankful that I have a good teammate. We're doing this together. I'm chasing babies and cooking. He's cleaning the kitchen and packing boxes. I get the paperwork done, he cleans out from under the fridge. I pack the suitcases, he gets the car serviced. And he never, ever complains. That's my job.


We also went on a trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire a couple of weekends ago. It was a fun trip with lots of hiking and family time. We went to the top of Mt. Washington and saw lots of waterfalls and made smores...not all at the same time. Lots of pictures. Later.


I went to Headland and visited my family. All by myself. It was fun and good to see all my family that I haven't seen in over a year. I relaxed a good bit and got to have long conversations which is a rarity for me. I took lots of pictures and noticed things that I'd never noticed before. Every man in Wal-mart over the age of 12 wears a baseball cap. And most of them drive pick-up trucks. And Wal-mart in the South is really nice. All of these things I would have never noticed before. I think I've been gone long enough to see things the way that people who aren't from there see them. But I've lived there, so I can appreciate them for what they are.

And Nathan has another double ear infection. Seems to be time for tubes. Bummer. But if it will make him feel better, so be it. He's such a joy, and I have never seen a child with so much energy and determination. He's great 5th child. Just happy to be with us and doing what everyone else it doing.


I think I've procrastinated long enough now. Movers will be here in a few hours and whatever I don't have in a suitcase will go in a box and we won't see it until we get to Virginia. Strange thing to have people packing your house like that. I wouldn't show my own mother what's in my lingerie drawer, but Bart the moving guy will find out tomorrow.

On that comforting note, I think I'll throw a few things toward the suitcase and go to bed. We'll lose our computer tomorrow, so I'll be signing on again next week from the sunny South. Please pray that all goes well, safe travels for our family, patience and rest for all of us, friends when we get there and peaceful transition. I'm feeling thankful right now that God has gone before us. Looking forward to being at home in a new home. As they say, home is where the Navy sends you.


Jackie said...

"But Bart the moving guy will find out tomorrow." Bwahahahahaha!

Where in the great deep South are you moving???

Lindsey said...

i'm with jackie, i don't know where you are going? hoping the transition goes smoothly. look forward to hearing from you soon!

Donna said...

So good to hear from you- and I don't know where you are going either. Sounds like you have been one BUSY mama- good thing you have such a great teammate to get you through these moves! Just one more sacrifice you make for your country!