Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're here....

We're here. After a couple of long days of driving, late nights of moving and cleaning, we made it to Virginia. So far the only casualty of the move seems to be that the right shift key on my computer isn't working, so excuse the typos. 

We really like our house, which is good considering we rented it sight unseen. It has abundant room for all of our small children and that seems to make everyone really happy. I don't think I realized just how cramped we were in our old house until now. Bigger isn't always better, but having enough space to move around certainly is nice.

The trip went well, all things considered. The kids did amazingly well in the car for 2 days and with the exception of one child throwing up at the hotel, everyone stayed healthy. Our movers got here yesterday and delivered our household goods, so I'm sitting in a canyon of boxes. Today the unpacking process will begin.

My first impressions of Virginia:

It is definitely the South. It feels like the South.  Actually, for the past couple of days it's felt a bit more like the surface of the sun. Guess it's time to put away our sweatshirts.

There are alot of people here. Traffic is crazy and every major road (not interstate) is at least 8 lanes across. If you're familiar with Mobile, think rush hour on  Airport Blvd. every time you go somewhere.

There doesn't seem to be alot of children in our neighborhood. I'm sure that there probably are some, it's just been too hot for anyone to be outside. I do see a 15 passenger van at a house down the street and that gives me hope. Big vans make me think of big families and that makes me happy.

As we were walking to the neighborhood park yesterday, Hannah commented that we don't "look like we're from Virginia".  She said that we "look like" we're from Rhode Island.  I'm hoping that soon  everyone will feel less conspicuous and feel like we belong here.

I'm looking forward to Sunday and praying that we can find a great church to plug into.  That always makes a place feel more like home.

I've already taken a few pictures but am in way too much of a state of chaos to download yet, so I'll have to share those later.  Thanks to all who are praying for our transition here.

Now, back to the boxes....


Jennifer said...

Where are you guys at in Virginia? Anywhere near DC?

Jackie said...

Road trip with 5 kids? Can. Not. Imagine. Although, I guess by this point they're old pros at moving. Glad everyone arrived safe and sound. I hope you are able to (at least a little bit) enjoy the settling in process, taking time to make each room feel like home.

--Shelley said...

i can totally feel you! i am in transition still but am just awaiting more when we move a little farther down the road to another town here in Arkansas. we ain't from around here either and i feel like it shows. glad you guys have space. that will be so great!

Donna said...

Yay! So glad you got there and like the new house. Will you be there for a long time or is this just another drop in drop out town? Hopefully the kids will stay out in the sprinkler and let you unpack this summer!