Wednesday, November 18, 2009

on the move

Little man is on the move!!!  He's been crawling for a while now, but is now kicking it up to a whole new level of mobility.  Funny how you forget how busy they keep you at this age.
He now spends his days crawling all over the house and eating everything in his path.  (And unfortunately at this house, there are alot of things in his path!)  So far, he is letting nothing slow him down.  I have no doubt he is going to have no trouble keeping up with his brother and sisters.  

I so enjoy this age.  Watching him become more and more independent.  Yes, he still has a ways to go, but it happens so fast.  So I think I'll just have to love on him... and all by babies... every chance I get.

Wouldn't you?


Jennifer said...

Love the picture of him chillin by the window! :)

Jackie said...


Donna said...

Yes, yes, yes- treasure and love on the babies! It is flying by so quickly- didn't they just get here? I love the picture of him by the window too- he is such a happy, beautiful baby. P.S. today a lady said (as they alawys do, you know) "so you are done now?" and I said, "it would break my heart to think I would never have another one of these angel babies". They are gifts from God!