Saturday, November 14, 2009

He's baaaaaack...

We're still here.  It's just that we've been a little busy this week.  Actually, it's that we've really not been busy this week.

Ken is between trimesters in school and had a 5 day weekend!  So we went from papers and tests and papers and missing Daddy and did I mention papers?20091018-IMG_0901

To having Daddy home and resting and playing...


And catching up and sleeping and playing some more...

So I will be blogging soon.  

But right now I'm just enjoyin' my people.
And being a family.  And being so very thankful.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I can already tell you are going to have amazing Christmas card pics! Glad you had your hubby home. I know it makes a big difference to have the whole team together!