Thursday, October 22, 2009

Like butta

This week we've been playing in the kitchen.  With the cool Fall weather arriving, I'm ready to get cooking and the kids are more than excited to help.  Since we have been studying Pilgrims lately, we decided to make butter. We don't exactly have a butter churn handy, so we decided that baby food jars would work just fine.  I filled the jars 1/2 full with whipping cream and sent the kids outside with them to" shake them all about".  They were more than happy to dance and shake about, but I think they were a little doubtful that all this activity would produce butter.  But, lo and behold, about 15 minutes later, we had beautiful creamy balls of butter!  Pretty neat learning experience and we enjoyed our nice little homemade snack on crackers.

While all this butter making was going on, I also tried my hand at apple butter.  I had never made it before but reading about all the fall cooking with apples (thanks Jen and Jessie!) really inspired me.   I found a recipe here and varied it a little to taste.  The best part is that it is made entirely in the crockpot!  It turned out yummy and smooth and delicious!  It makes a great snack or lunch spread on bread and could be a good substitute for peanut butter for those who have allergies.  And not only does it taste good, but it makes your house smell sooo good while it's cooking!   Like butta!!!


Jennifer Werneth said...

will you be my mom? i love the butter, i mean butta, idea!

Jen said...

Okay...REALLY dumb question, but that's all you do? just 1/2 full with whipping cream and shake? And why don't we do this all the time? LOVE the apple butter recipe- was about to email you and ask but lo and behold, you provided! Thanks my friend!