Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a change or two

You may of noticed, if you made it to this blog today (which you obviously did since you're reading this) that I've made a couple of changes.   Most importantly, I've changed our blog address to:


 The reason for the change is that I'm wanting to have a little less personal information out there, particularly our last name and such. I've also changed our blog title to "the view from here" because that's pretty much what our blog is about... life as we see it from here and the pictures we take as we go.  I still love blogging and taking pictures so there's lots more to come.  Thanks for following us on our journey!


Jackie said...

Oh, there you are! I was worried for a minute when I couldn't find your blog.

Jessie said...

Hey Jenny! Thanks for your comments. I love your blog. Especially your photography. Its really a gift of yours I think. Your children are delightful, and I can't believe you have 5. Really. I can't. I can't imagine a moment more than 3 at this point! Where are you guys again? We should try to say hi?!?! if we are ever close enough!