Monday, August 17, 2009

sooo loved

There is a song by some Christian artist (maybe Michael W. Smith?) that says "I've been" this and that, lots of hard things (my paraphrase) "but I have never been unloved".  That has got to be how sweet Nathan feels.  He is nearly always the center of attention in our house, as far as the other children are concerned.  He is constantly being loved on, patted, squeezed, etc.  My only concern is that sometimes he is loved a bit too much.  Sometimes I have the fleeting thought that maybe the kids may miss out on some amount of attention being from such a large family.  I know that I don't always have the time to dote on each one individually as some smaller families might.  But then I see moments like these, that happen almost everyday, and I am sure that they are really lacking for nothing.  They have a love for each other and is really special (even when they are fighting).  They take care of each other and entertain the little ones. 

There are little moments that make us all laugh and make us very thankful that we have a house full of little ones.  Like 5 children packed in a tiny kitchen just to play with the baby together.
Though I hate to admit it, there are those days that I wonder why God called us to this, but in these hilarious moments I am thankful that He did.  Does it get any sweeter that this?


1 comment:

Dena and Robbie said...

That is Awesome. Big families have a special bond. Of course ours isn't as big as yours. I am so thankful they have parents like the two of you. Praise God.