Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

This past weekend we celebrated Hannah's 7th birthday... What can I say? Of course it is so cliche to say how fast she seems to be growing up and honestly, that's not entirely true. Some days it seems like it's taking forever. :) But most days, I'm amazed at how she is maturing right before our eyes. I have to admit, there was a time when I thought Ken and I might not survive 7 days with her, much less 7 years....those of you that knew Hannah as a baby know what I'm talking about. But somehow, through God's grace alone, He is growing her into a beautiful, funny, smart little girl that is becoming a joy to us in ways we couldn't have imagined. We pray that God will continue to make her into His image, that she will grow to be a godly woman after His heart and that we will get to enjoy her for 70 years to come!

Ken's parent's were in town for the weekend celebration and we all enjoyed some good family time together.

We had a house full of 7 year olds, cake, presents, a pinata and even borrowed a neighbor's water slide for the occasion. I think fun was had by all.

1 comment:

Dena and Robbie said...

Can you believe our baby girls are already seven? Where has the time gone. What little ladies they are now.